The Patriot Post® · Facebook's Latest Ode to 'Joy'

By Andrew Culper ·

Not long ago, Mark Zuckerburg and his crony bots didn’t like our joke about hot sauce, so they decided to harm our business. It’s never enough for our good friend Zuck to stop at one, so here we are again with another absurd community guidelines strike. At times, I wonder: If we had a dollar for every time Facebook got it wrong (and harmed conservative voices like ours with no recourse), would it make up for the losses we have endured? Maybe we shouldn’t worry about it. Maybe we should just get some joy.

If you’ve been paying attention, you’ve heard the campaign language from the Harris/Walz camp — one aspect notably being Tim Walz and his allusion to “joy”:

“Thank you, Madam Vice President, for the trust you put in me,” Walz said at their first rally together. “But maybe more so, thank you for bringing back the joy.”

Harris has also used the phrase “we are joyful warriors” in her campaign speeches along the way. “Joy” was a theme of the Democratic National Convention. It’s a carefully chosen buzzword meant to inspire emotion where policy and competence are in short supply.

Demo supporters may be satiated by feel-good rhetoric, but we can see right through it. This “Joy” talk is simply more Kool-Aid meant to wash poison down the throats of brainwashed voters. And thus, we called it as we saw it in a meme, as we tend to do.

Enter the Facebook brown shirts.

I will hand it to them. They got it half right with the, “It looks like an admin shared something that may lead others to harm themselves.” We agree that drinking the Harris/Walz Kool-Aid is harmful! This is why this meme communicates a simple truth: Just like one would not drink Joy dish soap, one should not drink their lies. Regrettably, for your humble team at The Patriot Post, an appeal to common sense landed in the lap of a judge/jury/executioner class of bots and lemmings who have no common sense to speak of.

And so, we are in hot, soapy water again, with our posts hidden, our page at risk for deletion, and our business scrubbed from Facebook search results — all because we would dare to warn others.

Despite all this, I can’t help but smile when I remember the words of the Apostle James:

“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” —James 1:2-4

Not long after this latest strike, Zuck asserted that he regrets suppressing conservative content and he wants to become apolitical. Could he be turning over a new leaf? I’ll believe it when I see it.