The Patriot Post® · Barack Obama's 'You Ain't a Man' Moment

By Emmy Griffin ·

The panicky Democrats have summoned former President Barack Obama to try to salvage Kamala Harris’s struggling campaign. Obama, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and other Democrat top brass were behind the soft coup that derailed President Joe Biden’s reelection bid and led to the coronation of his second in command.

Unfortunately for Harris, all of her “joy,” “brat” summer vibes, and even post-debate plaudits have worn off.

Obama gave a pre-rally pep talk in Pittsburgh last week while campaigning for Harris, during which he expressed disappointment with black “brothers.”

His five-minute rambling lecture began with his typical style of self-congratulation: “We have not yet seen the same kinds of energy and turnout in all corners of our neighborhoods and communities as we saw when I was running.”

Obama then quickly chided: “I’ve got to speak to y'all and say that when you have a choice that is this clean — when, on the one hand, you have somebody who grew up like you, went to college with you, understands the struggles [and the] pain and joy that comes from those experiences, who’s had to work harder, and do more, and overcome, and achieves the second-highest office in the land…”

Here, he is obviously trying to give credence to Harris’s trope regarding her “middle class” upbringing. Which middle class? The Canadian one in Montreal, or the Californian one in Berkeley?

Furthermore, is this an appeal to the feminist argument that women have to work harder than men to get recognition? If so, this falls flat on its face. Considering how Harris got her start in politics — see Willie Brown — that “work harder” comment isn’t exactly a compliment.

Obama then sprinkled in the oppressed-minority narrative. However, Harris’s life was precisely the opposite. All she had to do was say, “I am a woman of color,” and her miraculous ability to fail upward landed her in the vice president’s seat.

The funniest part of his pique toward black men is the next bit, wherein he claimed that Harris “is putting forward concrete proposals to correctly address the things that are vital in our neighborhoods and communities — from housing to making sure our mothers, our fathers, and our grandparents can afford medicine — and making sure that we are dealing with prices that are too high and rents that are too high, and is committed to maintaining the Affordable Care Act so everyone’s got healthcare.”

In reality, her policy proposals are like concrete only in their ability to sink our economy. People hate their health insurance because of ObamaCare. And Kamala’s method of dealing with inflation is communist-style price controls. It’s almost like Obama wants black men to be more worried that he’s disappointed in them than that they can’t put food on their tables or go to the doctor they want.

Obama’s whole argument in favor of Harris is that she’s a black woman who is continuing his legacy of America First deconstruction. She isn’t a change from Biden; she’s a continuation. Obama is frustrated with black men for having enough common sense to look at our country and know that it’s because of her that the U.S. is flailing. After all, she has sanctioned the border invasion, sunk the economy, and delivered foreign policy incompetence, which has brought about wars and made the U.S. a laughingstock.

Obama accused black men of being sexist later in his tirade, saying, “Part of it makes me think … that, well, you just aren’t feeling the idea of having a woman as president, and you’re coming up with other alternatives and other reasons for that.”

Harris is failing with men in general and black men in particular because she despises masculinity. She doesn’t even understand men, and that’s probably why she keeps putting out cringy campaign ads like this one:

At least Obama didn’t go as far as Kansas University instructor Phillip Lowcock by suggesting that if you aren’t man enough to vote for a woman, you should be shot. Thanks to those comments, according to KU’s provost, Lowcock “has left the university.”

Black men, however, aren’t taking the verbal lashing from Obama kindly. As Vernon Jones, the former Georgia state representative who was very public about his leaving the Democrat Party and joining the GOP, said on X: “@BarackObama sent out by White liberals to ‘Blackman-splain’ to get Black men to vote for @KamalaHarris. Wait, his mother and Kamala’s mother are both ‘WHITE.’ Obama doesn’t even have Black neighbors, and 99% of his handlers are White. I don’t have anything in common with Kamala. No Thanks BO, Blacks had enough of you and @KamalaHarris.”

At the New York Post, Adam B. Coleman, a regular contributor, had this to say about Obama’s presumption:

The tactic of racial manipulation by the Democratic Party is what pushed me, a black man, away from the party into political independence. The idea that someone deserves my vote only because I exist in a particular image while everyone else gets a choice has always felt incredibly insulting to me. Elitists like Obama are incapable of reading the room. The optics of a multimillionaire former president chastising the average working-class black man about real problems they face and Kamala’s involvement in them as vice president doesn’t sit well with most rational people.

Perhaps at the heart of it, as much as black men might really like to see a black woman become president, Kamala Harris isn’t likable, isn’t relatable, and is yet another empty figurehead for the same Democrat machine that profits off keeping them reliant on the government. Perhaps Donald Trump’s bravery in the face of the Left’s lawfare and being targeted for assassination reads more genuine to them.