The Patriot Post® · Harris Gaslights Over Biden's Mental Decline

By Thomas Gallatin ·

It’s no secret that Democrats are seriously worried, maybe even panicking, over Kamala Harris’s chances of winning the presidential election. James Carville’s “certainty” of a Harris victory notwithstanding, a growing number of Democrats and Leftmedia pundits are wringing their hands and even second-guessing the decision to oust Joe Biden from the ticket.

While national polls currently give Harris a razor-thin edge in the popular vote, winning the Electoral College is what counts, and she’s trailing Donald Trump in nearly every battleground state. Furthermore, if the polling trend of the past two presidential election cycles holds, and Trump overperforms the polls on Election Day once again, then Harris is in a world of trouble. In that scenario, the question won’t be whether Trump wins but how resoundingly.

Despite the mainstream media flipping a switch and fawning over Harris like she was the female Barack Obama the moment she took the mantle from Biden’s ailing hands, she has failed to deliver. Instead, she has steadily reminded everyone why she crashed and burned so badly in her lone Democrat primary race back in 2019. To put it bluntly, Harris is a terrible campaigner who apparently believes all it takes is to serve up a bunch of word salad answers that everyone will gobble up, no questions asked.

Unfortunately for Team Harris, her press dodging and interview skirting grew tiresome, and it became clear that simple “joy” and good vibes wouldn’t cut it. So she switched gears and tried to play interview catch-up with Trump. This, though, has proven to be even more disastrous to Harris. Even softball interviews with teed-up questions have caused her great difficulty — never mind actually tough questions — as she struggles for answers while trying to sound profound. Just listening to her can be nauseating.

More than her wandering attempts at giving non-answers have been her blatant lies. In her most recent interview with NBC News, Hallie Jackson asked her how she became the Democrat nominee. After implying that Biden’s diminishing mental acuity forced him off the ticket, Jackson asked, “Can you say that you were honest with the American people about what you saw in those moments with President Biden, as you were with him again and again, repeatedly in that time?”

Harris responded, “Of course. Joe Biden is an — extremely accomplished, experienced, and capable in every way that anyone would want if they’re president. Absolutely.”

To her credit, Jackson pressed Harris on the question again, asking, “And you never saw anything like what happened at the debate night behind closed doors with him?”

Harris answered, “It was a bad debate. People have bad debates. That — he is absolutely…” Jackson then interrupted, saying, “But that’s the reason why you’re here, and he’s not running for the top of the ticket.” Harris once again played dumb, stating, “Well, you’d have to ask him if that’s the only reason why.” And again, Jackson pushed, “What do you think?”

Spinning wildly by now, Harris said, “I am running for president of the United States. Joe Biden is not, and my presidency will be about bringing a new generation of leadership to America that is focused on the work that we need to do, to invest in the ambitions and aspirations of the American people.”

The trouble with this is that everyone knows Harris is lying. She’s attempting to have her cake and eat it, too. Harris wants the American people to simply accept that Biden was fully fit to run for a second term but that he stepped aside for the good of the country because she is a stronger candidate. The problem is that at almost every turn, Harris has shown that the decrepit Biden is still the better candidate. Talk about a low bar.

But the reason that Harris is running and not Biden is also that everyone saw that his mental state had begun deteriorating years ago. His cringeworthy June debate with Trump merely confirmed this to the world. However, the reality is Biden’s cognitive decline was well known despite the fact that Democrats and their cohorts in the Leftmedia repeatedly avoided it or denied it.

In his recently released book on Biden titled War, Bob Woodward notes an episode in June 2023 when Biden was attending a fundraiser in Chevy Chase, Maryland. Woodward writes, “The event raised $2.7 million for Biden’s re-election fund. Guests, however, said that Biden was ‘frighteningly awful.’ It was ‘like your 87-year-old senile grandfather’ wandering around the room, saying to women guests, ‘your eyes are so beautiful.’”

Woodward also relays that Biden took only two prearranged questions and “carried a handful of note cards with the answers printed out, but even then seemed to wander off point.” This behavior has been witnessed and reported on repeatedly, so following Biden’s disastrous debate, no one was surprised that he finally caved to pressure and stepped down.

So, how did Democrats end up with such a disastrous replacement? To her credit, Harris apparently played her DEI card perfectly to gain leverage in a party whose bread and butter is identity politics. Biden’s pledge to choose a “woman of color” as his running mate was clearly an easy criterion for Harris to meet.

Harris, who had essentially called Biden a racist during the primary debate, was more than willing to join his ticket, as she saw the old man as her best (and only) stepping stone to the presidency. Everyone knew the prospect of Biden serving a full term, let alone two, was unlikely. Harris, therefore, positioned herself as the heir apparent, and here we are three and a half years later, with things going according to plan.

With Biden’s help, Harris has successfully avoided having to win a primary. Now, she’s playing up the lie that Biden is fully capable while asserting that she’s the one to beat Trump.

Can the Democrat electorate really be that foolish?