The Patriot Post® · Friday: Below the Fold

By Douglas Andrews, Thomas Gallatin, & Jordan Candler ·


  • The Trump smear we knew was coming: In the pantheon of predictables, few things are more reliable than a pre-election smear from the Democrats. Here we are again, with Donald Trump in the crosshairs. We can practically hear them scheming: A sexual assault charge would be good. Yeah, yeah, and let’s make her a young model just to stick it to Melania. And let’s give her a Jeffrey Epstein connection, just for fun. Sure enough, CNN reports: “A former Sports Illustrated swimsuit model is alleging that … Trump groped her in the 1990s, in what she believes was an attempt to show off for Jeffrey Epstein. In her first on-camera interview about the allegation … Stacey Williams offered her most detailed public account of the alleged encounter, which she said occurred outside Trump’s office in Trump Tower in the early 1990s when she was in her 20s and was briefly dating Epstein.” Low-information Kamala Harris voters and their mainstream media enablers will love it, but thinking people won’t. The story is full of holes, from the convenient timing to the key details of the alleged encounter to the fact of Williams’s pro-Obama activism to the sketchy signature on a postcard allegedly sent by Trump to Willams shortly afterward. In addition, the Democrats have tried this same dirty trick before and with the same reporter. Conversely, the far more credible accuser of woman-slapping, Nannybanging, would-be first “gentleman” Doug Emhoff is speaking out, and all we’re hearing from the #MeToo mainstream media is crickets.

  • Kamala’s star-studded rally and week-too-soon closing argument: Barack Obama, Bruce Springsteen, Samuel L. Jackson, Spike Lee, and Tyler Perry. All of them were on stage at a rally last night in Georgia for Kamala Harris. But this is nothing new for the Democrats, who routinely trot out the glitterati, and who seem to think the American people give a rip about who The “Blue Collar” Botox Boss is supporting for president. It’ll be interesting to see how this event goes over with the constituencies that Harris is hemorrhaging — such as non-millionaire blacks and Hispanics. In her final days on the campaign trail, Kamala and her Joyless Unlucky Club are focusing on J6, Trump’s “threat” to “democracy,” and his “threat” to “reproductive freedom.” Which means she’s focusing on her base, focusing on turnout. After all, she’s already spent $1 billion, and nobody can say what she’ll do if she’s elected. Clearly, Harris is eager for all this to be over. How else to explain that she’s giving her closing argument this coming Tuesday at the National Mall, a full week before Election Day?

  • Humor: Frustrated Democrats to consider letting voters pick the presidential candidate next time (Babylon Bee)

  • Fact-checking fascists: After Kamala Harris labeled Donald Trump a “fascist” and likened him to Adolf Hitler, Trump fired back on social media. “Comrade Kamala Harris sees that she is losing, and losing badly, especially after stealing the Race from Crooked Joe Biden, so now she is increasingly raising her rhetoric, going so far as to call me Adolf Hitler, and anything else that comes to her warped mind.” His post continued, “She is a Threat to Democracy, and not fit to be President.” Well, the Leftmedia outlet Newsweek decided to run a fact-check — of Trump’s post: “Did Kamala Harris Call Donald Trump ‘Hitler’?” Newsweek concluded that Trump’s claim was true but needed context: “Harris didn’t directly call Trump ‘Hitler.’ However, many will think she came very close to it: she confirmed that she believes Trump is a fascist, quoted [former Chief of Staff John] Kelly’s unfavorable comments, and suggested Trump would ‘invoke’ Hitler.” In other words, Harris didn’t literally call Trump “Hitler.” What a relief.

  • Hillary Clinton accuses Trump of “reenacting” infamous Nazi rally at Madison Square Garden (Fox News)

  • Humor: Nine ways Trump is exactly like Hitler (Babylon Bee)

  • Pence’s former chief of staff says John Kelly is lying about Trump: The Democrats are all-in on the fascist angle, eager to trot out a Swamp-infected former chief of staff, retired Marine General John Kelly, to be their messenger. Kelly’s whispery behavior has been sleazy and disgraceful from the start, which includes his role in the thoroughly debunked “suckers and losers” smear from four years ago. Moreover, he should cease and desist with his latest round of lies about Trump. Why? Because, as the National Pulse reports, “Former Vice President Mike Pence’s chief of staff has rejected statements made by General John Kelly, who claims that President Donald J. Trump had previously praised Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler and admires fascism. Nick Ayers took to X to refute Kelly, saying, ‘I’ve avoided commenting on intra-staff leaks or rumors or even lies as it relates to my time at the White House, but General Kelly’s comments regarding President Trump are too egregious to ignore. I was with each of them more than most, and his commentary is patently false.’”

  • No one’s buying The Atlantic’s “Trump loves Hitler" smear (Daily Wire)

  • Bloody gun-range political stunt: To show off his apparent manliness, Missouri Democrat Senate candidate Lucas Kunce, who is running against Republican incumbent Josh Hawley, joined up with Never-Trumper Republican lawmaker-turned-CNN commentator Adam Kinzinger to do a gun-range photo op. Kunce posted several photos on social media, including one of an individual having his arm bandaged. Kunce explained, "Always have your first aid kit handy. Shrapnel can always fly when you hit a target like today, and you’ve got to be ready to go.” Thanks to the images and X readers’ added context, it became apparent that Kunce and Kinziner were not practicing gun safety rules — despite Kunce’s boasts about military training. Hawley weighed in, noting a Kansas City Star report that one of the individuals at the shooting event, and the owner of the property, “was charged with 17 counts of felony perjury in August … [and] his ex-wife in a court filing earlier this month alleged the man owns or has access to guns in violation of his bond conditions.” Hawley said, “So Kunce’s stunt at the fake gun range … was organized by a criminal? Who is not supposed to have access to firearms?”

  • The Left’s vile J6 “memorial”: Walk through the neighborhoods of a leftist enclave and you’ll likely see an occasional sign with three dates on it, followed by the words “Never Forget.” Those three dates? December 7, 1941; September 11, 2001; and — wait for it! — January 6, 2021. Such are the twisted thoughts of American leftists, and such is their malign influence in our nation’s capital. Someone set up a “monument” that consists of a bronze-looking desk as a platform for a version of the poop emoji, along with a plaque stating: “This memorial honors the brave men and women who broke into the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021 to loot, urinate and defecate throughout those hallowed halls in order to overturn an election. President Trump celebrates these heroes of January 6th as ‘unbelievable patriots’ and ‘warriors.’ This monument stands as a testament to their daring sacrifice and lasting legacy.” The “memorial” sits in the middle of the National Mall near 3rd Street NW, and it thereby disgraces every other memorial in its vicinity. And the National Park Service is complicit. Indeed, it granted a permit for the exhibit to remain on the Mall until October 30.


  • A million quiet amnesties: A recent report from the House Judiciary Committee accuses the Biden-Harris administration of granting de facto amnesty to almost a million illegal aliens. “Under the Biden-Harris Administration, over 700,000 illegal aliens have had their cases dismissed, terminated, or administratively closed, and the pace of these actions has increased each year, allowing those aliens to stay in the country indefinitely without facing immigration consequences,” the committee states. “This quiet amnesty has become a hallmark of the Biden-Harris Administration’s immigration courts.” To add to this, over 109,000 illegal aliens whose cases had not been adjudicated by the end of FY2023 were closed anyway. Meanwhile, DHS failed to file documentation for an additional 200,000 illegal alien cases, thereby allowing them to stay in the country indefinitely.

  • Russia supplied satellite targeting data for Iran-backed Houthi attacks on Western cargo ships (Washington Free Beacon)

  • International court prosecutor who charged Netanyahu faces sexual misconduct accusation (AP)


  • NC rebuilding bill: The extent of the damage to North Carolina caused by Hurricane Helene is significant, to say the least. A month after the storm and with recovery efforts ongoing, the assessment of the degree of the damage is now starting to be quantified. The state government has now put out a cost estimate for rebuilding, and it comes in at a record $53 billion. To put that estimate in context, back in 2018, the state’s price tag for rebuilding from the damage caused by Hurricane Florence totaled $17 billion. Governor Roy Cooper stated, “It is no exaggeration to describe Helene as the deadliest and most damaging storm ever to hit North Carolina.” The storm caused roughly 1,400 landslides, damaging some 6,000 miles of roadways, 1,000 bridges and culverts, and 126,000 homes. It will take years to rebuild, and some places may never make a comeback.


  • Homeschooling Christian family gets one-year reprieve after government tries to send them back to Germany (RedState)

  • Ever wonder what happened to this “trans” kid from the cover of National Geographic? The story is tragic. (Not the Bee)

  • Luxury department store removes the word “Christmas” from popular gift catalog (Fox Business)


  • GOP House Oversight panel widens probe on NewsGuard, requests information on government contracts (Just the News)

  • New Gallup poll shows 84% of Americans favor voter ID (Not the Bee)

  • Ford CEO drives Chinese EV as his personal vehicle (The Midwesterner)

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