The Patriot Post® · Trampling Religious Liberty for the Death Cult

By Nate Jackson ·

“Abortion: noun — the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus.”

“Fetus: noun — a developing human from usually two months after conception to birth.”

Those are Merriam-Webster’s definitions for our terms here. Abortion means killing a preborn human. Yet Democrats led by Kamala Harris have pinned their electoral fortunes on fomenting fear among women that they won’t have access to this “healthcare” if Donald Trump wins. It’s a death cult with zealous adherents, and it just might win her the election.

Though I have no proof of this, I personally suspect that Harris herself had an abortion during her young and promiscuous years. Her indignant reactions and emotional appeals on the subject lead me to believe that she is compensating for her own deep grief and guilt, which, of course, she would never admit to feeling. Pro-abortion folks don’t care about that. Get up and get out there with your protest sign, they effectively tell women in crisis.

The latest exhibit of Harris’s abortion radicalism came during this week’s interview with NBC News’s Hallie Jackson.

Jackson: “What concessions would be on the table? Religious exemptions, for example, is that something that you would consider with a Republican-controlled Congress?”

Harris: “I don’t think that we should be making concessions when we’re talking about a fundamental freedom to make decisions about your own body.”

After a bit more back-and-forth, she falsely asserted, “A basic freedom has been taken from the women of America, the freedom to make decisions about their own body, and that cannot be negotiable — which is that we need to put back in the protections of Roe v. Wade. And that is it.”

Not only would Harris refuse to negotiate with pro-abortion Republicans like Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski, but she would enact — through executive action if “necessary” — a national version of Roe. She would codify abortion at the federal level, overruling dozens of state laws in the process and ensuring that all 50 states are as radical with abortion permissiveness as only six other nations in the world, including Vietnam, North Korea, and China. That’s extreme.

Harris does not appear willing even to consider exemptions for doctors or hospitals who object to performing abortions. There are more than 600 Catholic hospitals in the U.S., and the Catholic Church opposes abortion, so it’s no wonder Harris skipped the Al Smith Dinner, a Catholic fundraiser. The Biden-Harris administration has been remarkably hostile to Catholics, especially pro-lifers. Harris signaled she’d double down.

The vice president (emphasis on vice) says she doesn’t want “concessions” regarding “fundamental freedom” over “your own body.” What about forcing a doctor to use his body to perform a procedure he finds objectionable and abhorrent?

In a sense, that makes him a slave, which is somewhat ironic given that the dehumanization so key to defending slavery is akin to the way pro-abortion zealots dehumanize the unborn.

Donald Trump, the supposed fascist, has moderated on abortion and promised to remain hands-off — even promising to veto a federal ban. Harris lies about him, claiming he’d sign a national abortion ban.

Worse, Harris is the one who would behave like a fascist authoritarian, unconstitutionally overruling the conscience objections of people with deeply held religious beliefs. In 2018, she proposed and sponsored the Orwellian-named Do No Harm Act. She turned the Constitution on its head, explaining, “That First Amendment guarantee [of religious freedom] should never be used to undermine other Americans’ civil rights or subject them to discrimination on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation or gender identity.”

She, instead, would discriminate based on religious beliefs.

You might say that Christians who vote for Harris are “at the wrong rally.”

I’ll close with another abortion lie, this time peddled by the Leftmedia. “Infant mortality got worse after Roe reversal,” read The Washington Post headline Wednesday. That statistic is “raising questions about the ripple effects of the ruling on maternal and child health,” the Post says of “findings published this week in JAMA Pediatrics.”

The Post’s report is entirely one-sided. Only “experts” who advocate for abortion and worry about the consequences of making it harder are quoted. The article leaves you feeling like women and children are suffering under a theocratic forced-birth regime akin to “The Handmaid’s Tale.”

The same is true of stories in USA Today, CNN, and others. Why, it’s almost as if the Leftmedia is working for Harris’s campaign.

What Leftmedia propagandists are not telling you are several vital truths.

Like JAMA, the CDC’s numbers note a slight uptick in infant mortality in 2022, but the CDC records a decrease in 2023 and the first quarter of 2024. That’s not a uniform upward trend.

Also, the JAMA study considered only national numbers, which has two implications: Not all states are reliable reporters when it comes to abortions (and perhaps post-abortion deaths — see Tim Walz’s Minnesota) — and there is no clear indication that laws in pro-life states were the reason for rising infant mortality.

Finally, there have been more abortions nationwide since Roe was overturned because of Democrats’ feverish devotion to this form of human sacrifice. As I often say, spare me the indignation over moving those stats from one column to another. We’re not talking about inanimate numbers here. In both cases, humans died.

Kamala Harris wants more of them to die with no religious liberty protections for anyone who objects. Vote accordingly.

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