The Patriot Post® · A Jew, a Black Woman, and a Hindu Went to a 'Nazi' Rally

By Nate Jackson ·

If Donald Trump is blowing a Nazi dog whistle, why is it that the only people who can hear it are left-wingers? Asking for a friend.

As I have explained now twice in recent days, fascism and Nazism are left-wing ideologies — they are national socialism. Trump completely missed his chance in his first term to be a fascist dictator, of course, but leftists are undeterred in seeing nothing but a Nazi.

Fresh off a three-hour podcast with Joe Rogan on Friday, the former president held a six-hour, star-studded, packed-house rally at Madison Square Garden (capacity 19,500) in New York City on Sunday. Again, all leftists could see and hear were Nazis. That says much more about them than it does anyone who attended that rally.

We know Democrats are in full-blown panic mode because they’ve gone whole hog invoking Godwin’s Law. Yes, they’ve dubbed every single Republican presidential candidate since Barry Goldwater (with the exception of George H.W. Bush) a Nazi. Still, in the final stretch of the 2024 campaign, Democrats are making “Trump is Hitler” the centerpiece of their closing argument. John Kelly did it. Kamala Harris did it. Most major Leftmedia outlets have done it. And Hillary Clinton couldn’t miss her opportunity.

Three days before the rally, Clinton claimed that Trump was “actually reenacting the Madison Square Garden rally in 1939,” at which “neo-Nazis, fascists, in America were lining up to essentially pledge their support for the kind of government that they were seeing in Germany.” She warned similar things when she lost to Trump in 2016, and she seems to think it’s a good strategy to help Harris now. Then again, that prompts a question: What does Hillary intend with her “help”? Let’s just say I don’t think she’d mind if she wasn’t the only woman who lost to Trump.

Harris’s running mate, Tim Walz, got the Nazi memo. “Donald Trump’s got this big rally going at Madison Square Garden,” he said at a campaign stop in Nevada. “There’s a direct parallel to a big rally that happened in the mid-1930s at Madison Square Garden.”

The Washington Post’s Philip Bump got the same memo. His subheadline: “The Trump campaign’s rally in New York mirrored one in the 1930s that was openly supportive of Adolf Hitler.” Part of his “evidence” is that Trump’s rally came on the sixth anniversary of the shooting at the Pittsburgh synagogue. I’m not making that up.

He’d be just as credible arguing that people holding their arms out with their phones were the same as the 1939 crowd saying, “Heil Hitler!”

MSNBCDNC went even further, juxtaposing footage from Trump’s rally with old video from 1939 when, the anchor said, “supporters of a different fascist leader, Adolf Hitler, packed the Garden.”

As for that rally, if Trump’s intent was to put on a Nazi rally at MSG, he failed miserably. People of every tribe and color were in the audience. Mary Millben — a black woman — sang the national anthem. Vivek Ramaswamy and Tulsi Gabbard, both Hindus (of color!), were featured speakers. More pointedly, Jews showed up wearing MAGA yamakas, and there was an Israeli flag being flown in the audience. Holocaust survivor Jerry Wartski also made an appearance. Last week, the 94-year-old utterly rejected Harris’s “Trump is Hitler” nonsense, saying, “I know more about Hitler than Kamala will ever know in a thousand lifetimes.”

Not your run-of-the-mill Aryan get-together.

In fact, the only swastikas present were brought by Democrats protesting outside the arena.

“I’m thrilled to be back in the city I love,” Trump began. “And I’d like to begin by asking a very simple question: Are you better off now than you were four years ago?”

“NO!” roared the crowd.

“I’m here today with a message of hope for all Americans,” he said. He talked about the GOP’s big tent. “We’re building the biggest, broadest coalition … including union workers and Border Patrol … police and firefighters… The Republican Party has become the party of inclusion.” That doesn’t sound like racial and ethnic purification to me.

“I will prevent World War III from happening,” he added, which doesn’t sound much like the guy who started World War II.

“I will restore free speech,” Trump declared, which isn’t exactly reminiscent of the totalitarian Nazi speech suppressors. Modern Democrats are the ones acting like censoring fascists.

I suppose you could stretch it and say that one particular phrase has a German national socialist ring to it: “We have to defeat … the enemy from within.” But there’s a big difference. Ethnic Jews were not, in fact, working to destroy Germany from inside or out. Adolf Hitler was creating a villain to aid in his rise. Trump is identifying very real nefarious characters who actually are working to undermine America, and it is they, not him, who are obsessed with race.

Speaking of race, leftists hear a racial dog whistle about immigration. In fact, most of Bump’s case in The Washington Post, and where most left-wingers hear “Nazi” rhetoric, has to do with immigration. Yet they are the ones conflating legal and illegal immigration and making the issue one of race rather than the Rule of Law.

When Trump says “migrant,” he is clearly referring to the people who cross our border illegally. He is not talking about legal immigration. When he says, “I am hereby calling for the death penalty for any migrant that kills an American citizen or a law enforcement officer,” he is talking about punishing horrific criminal behavior. He is not referring to anyone’s race or ethnicity.

Those crimes, by the way, would not have happened if the illegals who perpetrated them were not here.

In any case, the MSG rally is yet another indicator of the energy present on Trump’s side. My only caution would be not to mistake depth of support for breadth.

Are Republicans — or, more specifically, Trump fans — perfect? No, they’re regular people. Regular people who want the coastal elites of the Democrat Party to stop wrecking the country they love. That certainly doesn’t make generally conservative patriotic Americans the equivalent of race-obsessed national socialists of the 1930s German Left.

The final word? “I don’t see no stinkin’ Nazis in here,” thundered Hulk Hogan. “I don’t see no stinkin’ domestic terrorists in here. The only thing I see in here are a bunch of hard-working men and women that are real Americans, brother.”

Who’s gonna argue with him?

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