The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Publisher’s Note: We receive hundreds of comments and can only select a few to publish in our Tuesday and Thursday “Reader Comments” section. Every article we post has social media links to start a conversation online and a “Comment” button to send a comment to our editors.

Re: The Biggest Biden/Harris Lie

“I recall when Alexander declared emphatically back in 2022 that Biden would not be the nominee, and he consistently argued that point right up through Biden’s resignation 20 months later. I applaud the Patriot Post team for keeping your analysis above the rest of the conservative media echo chamber — precisely why I have been a reader for almost two decades.” —California

“Who has actually been running our country for at least the past two years? IMO, President Trump should appoint a commission with plenipotentiary powers, answerable only to the American people, to discover the who, what, when, why, and where of those who have been at the helm under Biden, making the rules and policy and giving directions, all unknown to the American people.” —Massachusetts

“Alexander notes, ‘Anyone observing the rapid decline of Biden’s mental acuity since 2020 should have joined us in our assertion that he would not be the nominee.’ I think everyone believed that, even those who protested most vehemently that Biden was ‘as sharp as ever.’ Only the most gullible or disinterested believed he would be their final nominee. I suspect Biden stayed in longer than the apparatchiks wanted, and I suspect his quick endorsement of Harris was a crafty retribution against those who had so unceremoniously ousted him.” —Georgia

“As Alexander noted, ‘Our nation deserves a full accounting of Biden’s mental incapacitation while president, and who has really been in charge.’ Indeed we do, and I hope Trump will expose this cabal.” —Colorado

Re: There Was No ‘Terrorist Attack’ in Las Vegas

“I agree with your analysis. My heart goes out to those who loved him. My elder brother served in Korea and Viet Nam and received many honors. He never talked about his experiences in combat, and I think it was because they were too troubling to him. He was my hero, and he tragically died of complications of MS at a young age. I miss him every day.” —Colorado

“A professional army with endless wars is unfair to the few who serve. It’s past time to restore the draft so the defense of Liberty is shared by the many, not the few. I have met veterans during my travels who are visibly troubled as I speak with them. I had a Marine Captain who worked at Aegis, had major PTSD, and took his life. His repeated deployments, the men he lost under his command, and then the drugs prescribed were too much. I tried to help him but could not. Good man.” —Tennessee

“The amount of drug dispensing to military personnel is medical malpractice. I have seen the amount of drugs being prescribed and have a Marine buddy whose son joined the Corps only to become a drug addict after a relatively minor issue. The drugs being prescribed by DOD and VA are criminal. Many of these drugs will lead to ‘suicide ideation.’ Shameful.” —Maryland

Re: Biden’s Last-Minute Awards Extravaganza

“Biden didn’t ‘give’ Soros the Medal of Freedom. Soros paid good money for it. Leftists are losing their minds over the notion that Elon Musk has ‘bought the presidency’ by donating some $260 million to assist the GOP in the 2024 election cycle. And yet they see nothing wrong with socialist megadonor George Soros having given more than $20 billion to Democrat causes and candidates over the years, buying presidents, governors, senators, representatives, mayors, and district attorneys (each of them reliably liberal) all over our nation.” —Georgia

Re: H-1B or Not to Be

“The reputation of H-1B took a big hit during the Obama terms, when certain Silicon Valley corporations brought in H1-B workers and required American employees to train them to be their replacements, allegedly at substantially lower salaries. This was not supposed to happen, but the firms were run by Democrat friends and donors. We need fair and proper enforcement of all immigration laws, and we need to make compliance easier and cheaper without giving up national and economic security.” —Minnesota

Re: New York’s Oil Company Shakedown

“I have seen Internet stores mark products with ‘Cannot be shipped to California.’ If Governor Hochul’s scheme is enacted, petroleum products may acquire a similar ‘Cannot be shipped to New York’ label. Another defense petroleum suppliers can employ is to argue in court that the proposed tax is effectively an impost on oil (New York imports 99.86% of the oil it uses), and the U.S. Constitution requires the proceeds of state imposts to be remitted to the U.S. Treasury, meaning none goes to New York.” —Minnesota

“Every oil and natural gas company should take a page from union playbooks and refuse to sell their product in the Empire State for two weeks as a result of this stupid fee. Let’s see how long the politicos stay in office once people start freezing and can’t drive anywhere and have no food or other products. Where do politicians think the money comes from?” —Oklahoma

Re: Friday: Below the Fold

“As a Vietnam combat veteran, I am truly appalled and sickened that it takes 70+ years to award five Congressional Medals of Honor to Korean War heroes — and 59 years (1966) and 54 years (1970), respectively, to award two Congressional Medals of Honor to two Vietnam combat veterans. How on earth can it take so long to formally recognize the courage, gallantry, intrepidity, and valor these men displayed in combat under fire? Reminds me of the saying, ‘Justice delayed is justice denied.’ These men should have received these ultimate honors years ago. Someone should look into the entire circumstances that delayed the recognition and presentation of these awards until 2025. Something is definitely wrong here!” —Florida

Re: UK’s Migrant ‘Grooming Gangs’ and the Ensuing Outrage

“What has taken place in the UK is horrific, and the authorities who have allowed it to happen by turning a blind eye to justice should all be tried for crimes against humanity. This should be followed by the expulsion of all Pakistani nationals throughout the UK. If they want to live like this, then let them do it in their own country! Wake up, America, because if you don’t, your daughters will be next.” —Florida

“I am so heartbroken as I read reports of such stupidity. When did our society get so weak? How would these people feel if it was their own children being brutalized? Our society used to believe it was everyone’s job to protect children, and now it is no one’s. No wonder parents are more and more afraid to let their kids out at all. Actually, it’s no wonder so many young people have some form of PTSD. God is our only hope.” —Wisconsin

“I can’t think of a more disgusting thing in this world than the abuse of children or women. They know exactly what they’re doing. How many of those raped women will forgo having children (if they still can) or can’t be in a healthy relationship with a good man? Britain will be no more if it doesn’t close the gates and take care of its own. Most of these people will never assimilate, and their religion teaches them to subdue their enemies. Not all, but many view the West and its people as their enemy. To ignore or minimize this is what allows these rapes. Those who engage in it should be the first ones sent back to their home country. Promote families and children.” —Oregon

Re: Monday Short Cuts

“We did a lot of good things but … we really didn’t show [enough] empathy and concern … to average working families who didn’t realize how much we had done and how much we care for them.” —Senate Democrat Leader Chuck Schumer

“Well, Chuck, in fact, the average working family does realize how much you’ve done to make everything worse and how much you care for them, which is not at all. And Nancy Pelosi talking about women being more ethical obviously doesn’t include herself.” —Delaware

“Unless President Trump is able to undo some of the damage done by the Democrat Party over the past four years, future historians may consider Biden’s sorry reign as historically significant to the destruction of the American republic as the enduring havoc wrought by LBJ 60 years ago. In the three generations since the so-called ‘Great Society,’ only ObamaCare and Jimmy Carter’s establishment of the Department of (Mis)Education rival Biden’s ill-advised agenda.” —Georgia