The Patriot Post® · Friday Short Cuts

By Political Editors ·

Hot Air

“Watching L.A. burn is extremely painful. … We need climate action NOW.” —Senator Bernie Sanders


“People are literally fleeing. Kids have lost their schools. Communities have lost their churches. Families have lost their homes. Some have even lost their lives. And the President-Elect’s response is to politicize it.” —California Governor Gavin Newsom

“That isn’t quite true. The President-elect ‘politicized’ the fires by warning you that they would happen — in 2018, and 2019, and 2024. And you did nothing.” —Michael Knowles

“When a politician says to not politicize something, they are politicizing it by trying to avoid responsibility for their political actions.” —Cenk Uygur

The Bottom Line

“Their goal, of course, is the CO2 emissions … and California wildfires have, since 2020, have doubled the reductions achieved since 2003. In other words … in the last four years, up until this fire, everything they have done to reduce CO2 had been undone times two between 2020 and 2024. So if they’re actually interested in reducing CO2 emissions, their number one job should be managing fires in southern California.” —Dr. Drew Pinsky

Food for Thought

“Maybe we have all changed.” —Donald Trump when asked who changed after Mark Zuckerberg claimed to stop censoring speech

For the Record

“[Greenland] is loaded with vital natural resources, and it has a strategic and economic importance way beyond what many people think. Whoever controls Greenland will have the inside track on controlling the Arctic.” —Gary Bauer

Inquiring Minds Want to Know

“If you have not been following the news, a Biden administration military judge just upheld the plea bargain agreement for the three 9/11 planners… So, the death penalty is off the table for these terrorists who were instrumental in the loss of over 3,000 American lives. What kind of military judge makes that type of decision?” —Allen West

Nothing to See Here…

“Forget the two assassination attempts on Trump, as the mainstream media has.” —Ann Coulter


“Among the many laws that took effect at the beginning of this new year is one in New Jersey that will astound and should anger people with children in the state’s public schools. It’s called Act 1669 and it removes a requirement that teachers pass a basic reading, writing and math test to be eligible to teach.” —Cal Thomas

And Last…

“Fairness, equity and the rule of law combined militate against permitting immigrants who have flouted the law more generously than immigrants who have patiently waited in line for years to obtain proper visas.” —Armstrong Williams