The Patriot Post® · Alarmists Tie Life's Every Turmoil to 'Climate Change'

By Jordan Candler ·

The findings inside what Bloomberg calls a “new super study” is pernicious-laden if not predictable. In “Blame Global Warming for Your Bad Attitude,” Bloomberg attempts to argue that basically every negative development in life is tied to man-made global warming: “Climate change is making us angry. It may also cause more assaults, murders, and even poor math grades for your kids.” That’s purportedly what researchers discovered following “an exhaustive review of almost 200 different studies.” This type of junk science has been making the rounds for a while now.

For example, in February 2015 the White House touted a survey in which we’re told the vast majority of physicians believe so-called climate change is detrimental to our health. The following month, the Associated Press promoted the theory that anthropogenic-induced drought conditions were facilitating terrorism in Syria. Around the same time, Democrat Rep. Don Beyer erroneously wrote, “More than 7,000 Americans lost their lives to climate change-fueled events [in 2014].” By November, just days after the Paris terrorist attack, Barack Obama held that reversing man-made global warming via onerous regulations was the answer to eliminating militant groups that ostensibly benefit from global warming. Bill Nye echoed that sentiment when he hypothesized shortly after, “It’s very reasonable that the recent trouble in Paris is a result of climate change.”

The effort to draw a drought-terrorism link is particularly intriguing. In 1974 a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration report blamed a drought in Africa on the effects of a cooling world. “Many climatologists have associated this drought and other recent weather anomalies with a global cooling trend and changes in atmospheric circulation which, if prolonged, pose serious threats to major food-producing regions of the world,” the report stated.

The irony aside, Bloomberg, citing the new comprehensive study, nevertheless myopically concludes, “The results are troubling.” Barack Obama agrees. He recently called the scientific evidence of man-made global warming “terrifying.” And this week Hillary Clinton claimed Hurricane Hermine “was another reminder of the devastation that extreme weather can cause.”

Assertions like Clinton’s, says meteorologist Joe Bastardi, are truly baffling. “In the 1940s, Florida was like Grand Central Station for MAJOR hurricanes,” he writes. “So the question is, why is Mrs. Clinton warning us about something that occurred much more frequently in the past, yet trying to blame it on an agenda-driven issue?” Hurricane Hermine was a relatively weak storm with just Category 1 strength. Bastardi concludes, “Using a storm that arguably underachieved relative to what more numerous storms have done in previous years as an example of impending climate doom is deceptive and indicative of a person out of touch on this matter. It’s that simple.”

This much is simple too: Alarmists will use any weather- or climate-related event — whether the globe is warming or cooling — to harp about things they can’t control. But pretending they can is not just easy, given humans’ natural gullibility and emotional susceptibility, it’s politically beneficial too. That’s why this debate, no matter the facts, will never be settled.