The Patriot Post® · Monday Columns

Today’s Editors’ Choice

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Opinion in Brief

“Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe, the former head of the Democratic National Committee, is at it again, vetoing six bills aimed at preventing voter fraud and illegal voting. …McAuliffe is nothing if not consistent. He has vetoed every bill passed in the current legislative session that would improve the integrity of the state’s election process. In 2015 he vetoed House Bill 1315, which would have required county jury commissioners to send general registrars information on individuals who were disqualified to serve as jurors because they were not U.S. citizens, were no longer residents of Virginia, had been convicted of a felony, or had been adjudicated as incapacitated. There was no reason to veto this bill unless the governor wanted to make it easy for ineligible voters to continue to vote illegally and not get caught. Why has Governor McAuliffe vetoed every reasonable effort to ensure honest and fair elections in Virginia? Well, the overwhelming number of felons vote for Democrats. Non-citizens also favor Democrats over Republicans. Could it be that the governor believes that illegal voting benefits his political party? Yet surely no governor would be more concerned with his party’s success than with ensuring that every legal vote cast by an eligible American truly counts. Would he?” —Hans von Spakovsky and Grant Strobl