The Patriot Post® · Thursday Opinion

Today’s Editors’ Choice

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Opinion in Brief

Cal Thomas: “Some feminists have written that [Mike] Pence’s policy somehow harms women from making progress in the workplace. Recent newspaper columns by former female congressional staff members refute that claim. I’ve been in Pence’s office. Many women work there, including his deputy chief of staff, his national security adviser, his director of intergovernmental affairs and their top deputies. So what’s the problem? I think it is that the Pence ‘lifestyle,’ for wont of a better word, stands as a rebuke to those who have chosen different ways of behaving, in or out of marriage. Deep down inside most of us know right from wrong, otherwise ‘Judge Judy’ would not be so much fun to watch as she dispenses truths your grandmother probably agreed with and tried to teach you. After all the criticism about President Trump’s past with women, one might think the critics would welcome a wholesome example like the Pences. But in Washington, some people like having it both ways.”