The Patriot Post® · Tuesday Opinion

Today’s Editors’ Choice

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Opinion in Brief

Stephen Moore: “It is true that many of the insurers say one reason they are leaving the exchanges is because of ‘uncertainty’ about what will happen with the insurance market next year. But Hillary Clinton would have been facing the same crisis. It is the height of anti-Trump derangement to say that Trump caused that uncertainty. How in the world can you blame the growth of a cancerous tumor on the doctor who is brought in to treat it? Republicans have to do a much better job of explaining their plan and providing Americans better and cheaper options. But liberals have to get over themselves and acknowledge that Obamacare is long beyond fixable. … By the end of the year we could have nearly half the country without insurers if this spiral continues. What we have here is the domestic policy equivalent of the Bay of Pigs. And make no mistake about it: This calamity is Obama’s legacy, not Trump’s.”