The Patriot Post® · Tebow Ad Unveils Leftist Hypocrisy

Before the Super Bowl, we noted1 the buzz surrounding an ad set to feature Heisman Trophy-winning University of Florida quarterback Tim Tebow and his mother, Pam. Long before Tebow led the Gators to two national titles, his mother had a choice: Take her chances with a risky pregnancy, or abort her son. She chose life and Focus on the Family wanted to share that story.

The outrage was predictable, but when the dust settled and the two ads actually ran, there wasn’t much for abortion proponents to criticize. The word abortion wasn’t even used – the ad simply ended with the words “Celebrate family. Celebrate life.” It then directed viewers to Focus’ Web site for more information.

Yet so-called advocates of “choice” managed to get their panties in a bunch anyway.

While on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” with host Joe Scarborough, Donny Deutsch, the former host of CNBC’s “The Big Idea” and a multimillionaire former advertising executive, conceded that the ad “was completely non-offensive,” but then argued, “Well, OK, let’s see what that Web site says and then we’ll know whether it was straying over the line for what should or shouldn’t be on the Super [Bowl]. My problem with that ad … [is that] the game is what happens on that Web site, to me the same reason you got into the issue with the guys kissing in whatever the dating service was. We get into a slippery slope about what’s the safe haven, the Super Bowl, what belongs there.”

So the heartwarming Tebow story is the same as the rejected ad for a homosexual dating site? We would beg to differ.

But Deutsch wasn’t the most ludicrous. That trophy goes to National Organization for Women president Terry O'Neill, who complained about the violence against women when Tim play-tackled his mom.

“I am blown away at the celebration of the violence against women in it,” she said. “That’s what comes across to me even more strongly than the anti-abortion message. I myself am a survivor of domestic violence, and I don’t find it charming. I think CBS should be ashamed of itself.”

Where’s the NOW denunciation of the Snickers ad2 featuring Betty White being driven into the turf in a football game?

With this episode, we can see what many have known all along – abortion advocates are not interested in choice at all. When the choice is made for life, that choice is condemned because it makes those who have had abortions feel guilty. It seems that the game is up for NOW.
