The Patriot Post® · Thursday Opinion

Today’s Editors’ Choice

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Opinion in Brief

Hans von Spakovsky: “If you have no idea what happened at the second meeting of President Donald Trump’s Advisory Commission on Election Integrity in New Hampshire on Sept. 12, I’m not surprised. Though a horde of reporters attended the meeting, almost all of the media stories that emerged from it simply repeated the progressive Left’s mantra that the commission is a ‘sham.’ Almost no one covered the substantive and very concerning testimony of 10 expert witnesses on the problems that exist in our voter registration and election system. The witnesses included academics, election lawyers, state election officials, data analysts, software experts, and computer scientists. The existing and potential problems they exposed would give any American with any common sense and any concern for our democratic process cause for alarm. … All in all, the Sept. 12 meeting, which was hosted by Bill Gardner, New Hampshire’s long-time Democratic secretary of state, was both informative and comprehensive. But anyone who didn’t attend would never know that based on the skimpy and biased coverage it received in the media. The hearing is evidence of the good work the commission is already doing in bringing to light the problems we face in ensuring the integrity of our election process.”