The Patriot Post® · Thursday Opinion

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Opinion in Brief

Gary Bauer: “Some in the NFL realize they have a huge problem on their hands. Mark Lamping, president of the Jacksonville Jaguars, sent a letter to local military leaders in Jacksonville, Florida, which has a large military presence, apologizing for his team taking a knee overseas. Apparently they just didn’t realize how it would look to have players disrespecting our national anthem while standing for ‘God Save the Queen.’ I couldn’t help but think of the incredible irony. These players live in a country that has elected and re-elected a black president. We have had black attorneys general, black Supreme Court justices, black senators and representatives. We have revered black entertainers, business executives and academics. While I love history, I’m really not familiar with the first black prime minister of Great Britain. In fact, I’m not aware of any progressive European nation that has elected a black leader. Who was the first black president of France? Who was the first black German chancellor? America’s record looks good. These players taking a knee because of social injustice in America should have stayed on their knees when ‘God Save the Queen’ was played!”