The Patriot Post® · Friday Opinion

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Opinion in Brief

Mona Charen: “Genghis Khan is thought to have left more corpses in his wake than any other invader. The Mongol hordes earned their fearsome reputation. … Roughly 800 years later, his Y chromosome is to be found in 16 million men. Talk about conquests. Let’s just imagine that most of world history is analogous to the Mongol invasions. Great armies or small armies or just neighboring clans sweep in, kill the men and rape the women (or take them as wives eventually, but it’s the same result genetically). Whose genes are we all more likely to have inherited — the conquerors or the conquered? How many of us are walking around with Henry VIII’s genes or Casanova’s? It’s not just that the aggressors raped their way to success, either. Somewhere in our lizard brains, we admire the strongmen, and yes, that means you, ladies. Every woman who is drawn to the ‘bad boy’ or the ‘leader of the pack’ is expressing a primitive preference that has never been quite squelched. So, when it comes to oafs like Al Franken and (insert your favorite reprobate here) and people ask, ‘How could he behave that way?’ the answer has to begin with: Men will do what they think they can get away with. And for the last several decades, in matters of sex, it has been more or less anything goes. That may be changing as we speak.”