The Patriot Post® · Heritage Foundation: A New President for a New Era

By Mark Alexander ·

The Patriot Post counts among our most influential supporters who helped us launch in 1996 two in particular. It was with the sage advice from conservative protagonists William F. Buckley (National Review, Emeritus) and Edwin Feulner (Heritage Foundation, Emeritus), among others on our National Advisory Committee, that we had a successful launch as the first conservative news, policy and opinion digest on the Web.

Ed Feulner has been an inspiration for years as president of the nation’s most prestigious policy think tank, The Heritage Foundation. This week, he announced his successor, Kay Coles James, who has served on Heritage’s board of trustees since 2005. Ed noted, “I look forward to expanding the conservative movement in a positive, inclusive way as we build an America where freedom, opportunity, prosperity and civil society flourish.”

For her part, Kay said, “You have my commitment: Heritage is safe with me. I’m in awe of this treasure you’ve built, and I pledge to you that I will protect it and grow it with the greatest care possible. The work of this extraordinary institution is so important. We’re not just a bulwark against the left. We’re a battleship for liberty.”

She has an impressive résumé and record in government, academia and the private sector, beginning with key roles in Ronald Reagan’s administration. Most recently, she helped lead Donald Trump’s transition for the Office of Management and Budget.

Kay is the right person to take Heritage forward, and we welcome her leadership there!