The Patriot Post® · Monday Opinion

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Opinion in Brief

Burt Prelutsky: “The Democrats kept insisting that all the savings in Trump’s tax bill would go directly into the pockets of the corporate moguls. That’s not too surprising. After all, they had to say something stupid that the lapdog media could glom onto in order to put the pending legislation in a bad light. What is remarkable is that after the bill’s passage, they kept repeating their lies, even after several major corporations had bestowed sizeable celebratory bonuses on thousands of their employees. Far from being arch villains, as they are portrayed by the likes of Pelosi, Schumer and the fake news media, when companies and corporations prosper, so does nearly everyone else. That would include not only the workers and potential workers seeking employment but retirees and those whose pensions, present and future, depend on the solvency of those companies to fund those pensions. Not to be overlooked are the millions of Americans personally invested in the stock market through their IRAs or stock holdings. It’s no small thing that those people — most of whom are not millionaires and billionaires — have seen their investments grow, on average, 25% in the year since Donald Trump took office. Those people, by the way, would definitely include the likes of Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Dick Durbin, Dianne Feinstein, Elizabeth Warren and Maxine Waters, who aren’t among the despised and greatly envied one-percenters, but are definitely five or six-percenters.”