The Patriot Post® · Wednesday Opinion

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Opinion in Brief

Michelle Malkin: “Here is my homework assignment for all the fist-clenching, gun control-demanding teenagers walking out of classrooms this week (and next week and next month) to protest school shootings: Ask not what the rest of the country can do for your local school’s safety; ask what your local school boards and superintendents have been failing to do for you. Chances are, the adults closest to you — those most directly responsible for your security — have been shirking their primary duties, squandering scarce resources and deflecting blame. Yes, it’s glamorous and exciting to appear on ‘The Ellen Show,’ rub elbows with Eminem at the iHeartRadio Music Awards, pal around with Anderson Cooper, and soak up praise and donations from George Clooney and Oprah for shouting at the NRA, Republicans and President Trump. Sure, it’s fun to ditch your homework, parade around in ‘March For Our Lives’ swag, and watch your Twitter mentions explode like SpaceX launches every time you indignantly accuse gun-owning moms of hating their own children. … But when the media whirlwind dies down and the Everytown buses ship you back home, mundane realities will set in. … As a famous Chicago community organizer once quipped, ‘Change is hard.’ Selfies with gun control armbands is easy. Cleaning your own house, district and county is hard. Junkets to DC are easy. Digging through audits and public records is hard. Regurgitating Mad Libs-like talking points against the NRA and Second Amendment is easy. Go back to class and look homeward, all you young ‘change agents.’ The faultiest faults are near, not far.”