The Patriot Post® · Monday Opinion

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Opinion in Brief

Ken Blackwell: “Becoming a U.S. citizen is an honor, something people all over the world desire. And citizenship is important precisely because it brings full participation in U.S. society. Once you become a citizen — but only then — can you help decide what America is and will become. So, naturally, only citizens should vote. But, sadly, today that idea offends many Democrats, who see themselves as citizens of the world. To them it’s not a problem if you come to America illegally. And not a problem if you vote illegally. … Even small numbers of improper votes can have significant impacts. President Donald Trump carried the states of Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin by especially narrow margins — just .3 percent and 12,000 votes in the first. In Virginia, one (yes, one) vote determined the outcome of a delegate contest last November, which in turn determined control of the entire legislative body. The obvious solution is to require proof of citizenship to register to vote. Naturally, the Left calls such a requirement ‘onerous.’ … Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty, Thomas Jefferson told us. It also is the only defense for free elections.”