The Patriot Post® · Thursday Opinion

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Opinion in Brief

Gary Bauer: “A number of people have said to me, ‘There is no way the Second Amendment is going to be repealed.’ Really? I remember growing up when good people said, ‘They will never take prayer out of the schools. The country would never stand for it.’ I recall my father saying, ‘If someone doesn’t stand up for the Pledge, they would be run out of town.’ About 10 years ago, I recall pastors who told me to calm down about the idea of ‘men marrying other men.’ More recently, we all thought it was crazy that men would be allowed to use women’s restrooms. My friends, it CAN happen. Think about this: In 2016, we came very close to seeing our right to bear arms and religious liberty eroded significantly. If Hillary Clinton had received 77,000 more votes in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, she would be president today. The Supreme Court vacancy left by Antonin Scalia’s death would not have been filled by Neil Gorsuch but by another left-wing activist like Ruth Bader Ginsburg. As I [have] noted … the 2008 Heller decision, written by Justice Scalia, upholding the Second Amendment right to own a firearm was a 5-4 decision. Just one vote on the Supreme Court is all it would take to gut the Second Amendment. Elections have consequences.”