The Patriot Post® · Monday Opinion

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Opinion in Brief

Burt Prelutsky: “Although it’s played for laughs, we have all seen the interviews on TV when collegians are unable to identify their state’s two senators, to figure out which country had to be defeated before Americans could form their own nation, in what century the Civil War took place or even the length of a presidential term. We laugh, but we should be crying. Because they grew up in the digital age, they even have a hard time telling time if limited to a clock with a big hand and a little hand. But even more troubling than their basic ignorance is their arrogance, which we have all seen on full display with the recent anti-gun demonstrations. Thousands of youngsters who have never even bothered to read the Constitution have shown up at venues around the country and on TV to lecture their elders on the danger of guns in the hands of law-abiding people. They are so incapable of thought, they never even pause to wonder if gun-free zones might not be an overwhelming temptation to the demented among us who are out to bag their limit of innocent victims. … Because they are whizzes when it comes to computers and phones that do everything but cook their meals and do their laundry, they regard themselves as superior to those who managed to not only drive stick-shift cars but to repair them. The fact that they grew up using these modern tools has somehow convinced them that they’re as smart as the brainiacs who invented them. It would be like you or I thinking we were the equal of Thomas Alva Edison because we’d mastered turning on a light.”