The Patriot Post® · Wednesday Opinion

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Opinion in Brief

Michelle Malkin: “Move over, Trump Derangement Syndrome. Another unhinged liberal pathology is back: Chick-fil-A-phobia. Perhaps, in the interest of public health, the CDC should launch a weekly C-F-A-P surveillance report to map the recurrence of this culturally infectious disease. Early-onset symptoms include fear of pressure-cooked poultry, allergic reaction to waffle potato fries and an irrational hatred of cow costumes. Anti-Christian prejudice and coastal elitism are common comorbidities associated with this debilitating progressive condition. Ground zero for the latest outbreak? The headquarters of The New Yorker magazine. This week’s issue online features the bigoted lament of writer Daniel Piepenbring, who decries the fast-food chain’s ‘creepy infiltration’ of the Big Apple and warns against the company’s ‘pervasive Christian traditionalism.’ Chick-fil-A opened its fourth location in the city last month. The largest franchise in the country, it seats 140, employs 150, and, along with the other NYC locations, donates an estimated 17,000 pounds of food to a local pantry for the homeless and hungry. The company is reportedly on track to become the third largest fast-food chain in the world. What are the Chick-fil-A-phobes so afraid of? … If leftists only want to eat and drink at a global fast-food company whose progressive CEO shares their Democrat-supporting, gun-grabbing, open-borders, gay marriage-boosting values, they should stick to Howard Schultz’s Starbucks cafes. Oh, wait…”