The Patriot Post® · Wednesday Opinion

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Opinion in Brief

Michelle Malkin: “Arne Duncan, longtime pal of Barack Obama and former U.S. Department of Education secretary … called last weekend for parents nationwide to withdraw students from classes ‘until gun laws [are] changed to keep them safe.’ … Note that newly minted parents’ rights advocate Arne Duncan never once advocated boycotting Chicago public schools, which he ran for eight years, for their abject failure to quell rampant school violence. Nor has Duncan called for parents to demand their districts withdraw from the disastrous ‘PROMISE’ alternative discipline program that he helped create. … Nor has Duncan said a peep about systemic coddling of abusers in the classroom by teachers’ union presidents in New Jersey and Ohio, as exposed over the past month by undercover investigative journalists at Project Veritas. Instead, Duncan has won high praise and more media interviews for his phony boycott proposal. ‘My family is all in if we can do this at scale,’ he nobly tweeted. But what his slavering fans in the liberal media won’t tell you is that Duncan’s wife works at and his own children attend the exclusive, private University of Chicago Laboratory Schools in tony Hyde Park, which a Lab Schools brochure brags is ‘patrolled by the University of Chicago Police Department and private security.’ Armed, of course, for thine and thee, Arne. But not for we.”