The Patriot Post® · America's Welcome Exit From the UN Human Rights Council
The entire United Nations is a farce perpetrated on the world by global elitists who delight in using American treasure to undermine American sovereignty. Of the many things this feckless world body has done, the so-called Human Rights Council ranks among the worst. As The Wall Street Journal notes1, “The Council was created in 2006 after its predecessor, the U.N.‘s Human Rights Commission, was dissolved for failing to deliver on its mandate to protect rights and for allowing countries with abysmal human rights records to become members.” Well, the new HRC (how’s that for a set of initials?) also has numerous members guilty of human rights abuses — Saudi Arabia, Cuba, China and Russia to name a few. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
President Donald Trump was elected to undo much of Barack Obama’s legacy, and part of that legacy was having Hillary Rodham Clinton (HRC, if that wasn’t clear before) sign the U.S. on to participate in this farce after George W. Bush had refused. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and UN Ambassador Nikki Haley announced Tuesday that the U.S. is withdrawing both membership and funding from the HRC. The final straw was the council’s chief calling U.S. border policies concerning families2 “unconscionable.”
“The council has failed in its stated objectives,” Pompeo declared, adding that it’s an “exercise in shameless hypocrisy.” Furthermore, he said, “The council’s continued and well-documented bias against Israel is unconscionable.”
Haley rebuked the “hypocritical and self-serving” organization for defending rights abusers. This “cesspool of political bias,” she said, is particularly guilty of “chronic” and “pathological” bias against Israel. She accused the council of “disproportionate focus and unending hostility toward Israel,” which included its issuing of more resolutions (70) condemning Israel than North Korea, Iran and Syria combined. It’s never passed a resolution condemning abuses in China, Russia, Cuba or Saudi Arabia, but it has regularly recommended “improvement” for the United States.
“American participation is the last shred of credibility that the council has,” Haley concluded. “That is precisely why we must leave.”
In effect, the inmates are running the HRC asylum and the Trump administration will no longer indulge that lunacy. It’s about time.