The Patriot Post® · The Media's Teary Rendezvous With Russian Collusion
There was an interesting, albeit significantly overlooked, event that took place recently involving one of the nation’s most high-profile media pundits. Her name is Rachel Maddow. Take a look:
Maddow was clearly vexed in this video — literally on the verge of crying. Not because she lost a loved one or because she was relaying the horrible experience of a major car wreck from the night before. These emotions, which came immediately in the aftermath of the Robert Mueller report, were the direct result of a botched narrative alleging criminal activity by Donald Trump, whom Maddow and every other Leftmedia pundit prematurely assumed was guilty of colluding with Russia.
Maddow isn’t just some lowly pundit. She ranks (ranked?) among the very top in viewership, consistently pulling in millions of listeners. The reason? As Rich Lowry notes1, “Few people invested more in the Russia probe, night after night, monologue after monologue, with an ever-building sense of anticipation.”
Time will tell whether that viewership evaporates. There are signs it already is2.
As for the tears, Mona Charen says3, “It’s fair to say that those who spent hour upon cable TV hour lovingly anticipating that President Donald Trump would be frog-marched from the White House in handcuffs after the delivery of this report have egg on their faces. It isn’t clear which hurts more, the disappointment about being wrong or the worry about drooping ratings.”
Which brings us to the final analysis. We should be grieving over the nauseating reality that our national media pundits wanted there to be collusion between the president of the United States and Russia. Let that sink in.