The Patriot Post® · A Case Study in Leftist Mockery of Marriage

By Thomas Gallatin ·

On Sunday, freshman Rep. Katie Hill (D-CA) resigned following accusations of sordid affairs with both campaign and congressional staffers. She denied having an affair with her legislative director, Graham Kelly, though, as we noted last week1, Hill openly embraced bisexuality and was unapologetic about a two-year polyamorous relationship between herself, her soon-to-be ex-husband, and a young female campaign staffer.

According to The Washington Post, “Under House ethics rules adopted last year in response to high-profile sexual harassment claims involving members of Congress, it is against the official code of conduct for members to ‘engage in a sexual relationship with any employee’ who works for the member.” Thus, Hill’s #MeToo violations triggered an investigation by the House Ethics Committee, and she must have known she was toast.

Ultimately, however, it should come as no surprise to anyone that Hill felt free to behave in such an immoral manner following the Left’s success in officially redefining marriage itself. While leftists do not have a monopoly on the denigration of marriage, they have made a mockery of the God-given foundational societal institution through their self-described prideful debauchery.

Well, as Scripture warns, “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap.” Hill’s mockery of marriage has now brought her short political career to an abrupt end. In her resignation announcement, Hill stated, “It is with a broken heart that today I announce my resignation from Congress. This is the hardest thing I have ever had to do, but I believe it is the best thing for my constituents, my community, and our country.” We hope Hill will use this experience to do some deep soul searching to reevaluate her views on marriage, sexuality, and truth. But we’re not holding our breath.

There is a warning in this to our nation at large. The more Americans sow or embrace and celebrate deviancy and immorality, the more certain it will be that we will reap greater national corruption both culturally and governmentally, costing us many of the blessings of Liberty2. Let Hill serve as a sobering reminder that no matter what political party you belong to, there is One who judges all equally without prejudice or preference, to whom we all must ultimately answer.

And here’s her announcement video in which she blames everyone but herself for her horrendous decisions.
