The Patriot Post® · Biden's Radical 'Education' Agenda

By Thomas Gallatin ·

As the 2020 election hits the home stretch, one of the most glaring aspects of this campaign is the lack of public exposure the mainstream media has given to Joe Biden’s policy platform — or really anything about Biden. Indeed, Biden’s campaign strategy can be boiled down to “vote for me, I’m not Donald Trump.” And if the polls are to be believed (though caveat emptor1), it appears to be working. Yet if he wins, there are likely a sizable number of Americans who will end up regretting their vote as his extreme leftist agenda is foisted upon them and their school-age children.

One example of the dire implications of a Biden presidency is the profoundly negative impact his Title IX agenda will have on schooling. Recall that during the last year of Barack Obama’s presidency, his Education Department explicitly redefined Title IX prohibitions against discrimination “on the basis of sex” to include “gender identity.” What soon resulted was the infamous transgender bathroom policy2 wherein a student could use either bathroom and locker-room facility based entirely on their own declared “gender identity,” irrespective of the settled science of their biology.

During last Thursday’s town hall event, Biden answered a question about how he would protect against “transgender” discrimination. Biden made it clear that he would “flat out just change the law” and eliminate President Trump’s executive order reversing Obama’s diktat3, and then reimplement Obama’s extreme Title IX agenda. Thus, a Biden presidency would quickly end Education Secretary Betsy DeVos’s corrective reforms by reinstating Obama’s disastrous Title IX policy, and by so doing Biden would impose the “transgender” ethic in America’s public schools.

But that’s not all. Biden would eliminate hard re-won due process rights4 for college students who are accused of sexual misconduct. That’s awfully hypocritical5 for a man who himself has been credibly accused of sexual assault. And his intent is to violate the constitutional rights of young men on American college campuses so he can generate votes among the young women on those campuses.

Biden also opposes any system for school vouchers or school choice really of any kind, thereby locking the children of poor parents into failing public schools. That especially hurts the black families who are increasingly realizing6 Trump is the far better choice.

In short, a Biden-Harris administration would turn back the clock on some key reforms in education, while ensuring that public schools remain mired in mediocrity. “Progress” indeed.
