The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments
Editor’s Note: Each week we receive hundreds of comments and correspondences — and we read every one of them. What follows are a few thought-provoking comments about specific articles. The views expressed herein don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.
Re: “Dems Are Pushing an Anti-Gun Agenda1”
“The U.S. District Court for DC recently ruled in Price v. Barr that the U.S. government cannot tax a right granted under the Constitution. This case was in regards to a permit required by the U.S. Park Service for Mr. Price to shoot a short film within one of the National Parks. The court held that ‘film’ is an expression of free speech, and requiring a permit to express that First Amendment right was illegal. It seems that any requirement for a concealed carry permit, or other restrictions on being able to keep and bear arms, would be subject to a similar ruling in that it would an illegal form of taxation. No permit needed to enjoy 1A rights = no permit needed for 2A rights.” —Montana
Re: “It’s Time for a Cancel Culture Bash-Fest2”
“Cancellation is what the left does to conservatives. What is happening to the leftist elite is a purge. It starts with a denunciation, followed by more witnesses and a public trial. Then a troika of authorities (Facebook, Twitter, and The New York Times) render a verdict and sentence. The leftist cadre needs to be reminded that the progressive vanguard may purge it at any time, by virtue of historical necessity.” —New Mexico
Re: “The States Will Have to Save Women’s Sports3”
“Perhaps the best thing to do would be to create a separate category — transgenders — to go along with men’s and women’s sports. There may be even enough participants to staff one league across the nation. Title IX could be amended (maybe make a Title IX and a half) to cover the situation. While men ‘transitioning’ seems to be dominating women’s sports, we certainly don’t see women ‘transitioning’ making any headway in men’s sports. Now if they were to compete with one another, I wonder what the results would be.” —Washington
Re: “Woke Pentagon Declares War on Tucker Carlson4”
“If military leaders cannot assure our national security while adopting POTUS policies, they must oppose and jeopardize their career. That is their oath. If they are fired for opposing bad policy, they can be proud for their integrity. A career loss hurts less than a lost soldier. For military leaders, complaining is never a tactic and compliance may not be an option. Their options include only: shut up and march, put up and fight, or get out and … write a book?” —Missouri
Re: “$27 Million for George Floyd’s Family Isn’t Justice5”
“Without a doubt the most intelligent and truthful article I have read on this subject! Thank you, Nate Jackson, for having the insight and the courage to write it, and to call it out for what it is: Reparations. Taxpayer money should not go to reparations.” —Connecticut