The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Each week we receive hundreds of comments and correspondences — and we read every one of them. What follows are a few thought-provoking comments about specific articles. The views expressed herein don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “Gavin Newsom Vows to ‘Fight Like Hell’

“I’m not so sure Newsom will survive the recall. People don’t like to be accosted by petition bearers and they don’t like to sign their names on political petitions. People see their political choices as being private, probably more so in these times of ‘traitor’ and ‘racist’ labels being so freely bandied about and even extreme inter-family dissension resulting from differences of opinion. Also, there must be people who have voters remorse since they have seen the San Francisco ultra-liberals steamrolling legislation through Congress to a figurehead president for signature with no conservative input. Can a Republican win? Probably not. But somewhere in the desert of California objectivity there has to be a thoughtful moderate Democrat.” —Ohio

“The battle plan from the Left is to continue attacking no matter how utterly irrational its language is. It has no sane plan. Its message is one motivated by hatred, not thought. Leftists are like rabid wild animals frothing at the mouth, wanting only to shred their enemies — or anyone who refuses to bow to their ideology. George Orwell might be taken aback by the vicious nature of those he wrote about — but the left hates opposition. It wants only subservience.” —New York

Re: “Atlanta Attack Wrongly Blamed on Guns, Racism

“Six Asian Americans died. Three European Americans were hit by bullets, two of whom died. Interesting that Biden and Harris are meeting with Asian American leaders, but I guess the European American deaths and the wounding don’t fit the Left’s racism agenda. The guy shot everyone in sight! According to the New York Times, Biden is quoted as saying, ‘I know Asian Americans are very concerned.’ Joe, I am an old white European American and I am concerned about ALL murders, regardless of age, sex, religion, or national origin. The Times also said that Asian Americans were targeted in 3,800 hate incidents in the last year. Joe, would you care to candidly discuss those during your press conference? Well?” —Ohio

Re: “Was the Shooting of Ashli Babbitt Justifiable?

“I have 33 years of experience in law enforcement in two states and have taught lethal and less-lethal force for over half of that time. Any police officer who cannot control an unarmed woman trespassing without shooting her has no business wearing a badge. Given current ownership of the government and major media by the Democrats, by the time the restructuring of events is over she will probably never have justice.” —Arizona

Re: “Senate Filibuster on the Dems’ Chopping Block

“On the one hand, it seems unfair that a 40% +1 minority can effectively table any legislation, which is what the filibuster has become. On the other hand, it’s unfair that 50% + 1 can jam through legislation with no consideration for the remainder of the body. If a measure is so clearly problematic for the minority that over 40% of the body refuses to risk a vote on it, then the body ought to hear out the objections and then decide whether to refer it back to committee for rework to satisfy the objectors or table it indefinitely. Returning to the original filibuster, which permitted debate to continue until the measure was either voted upon or the body directly voted to lay it on the table, is the proper compromise.” —Minnesota

Re: “Disqus Deplatforms Discussion

“How do we fight back against this all-out war on conservatives? How do we get the truth out to people when all media is against us? Can someone please tell me how we accomplish this? I do not speak about being conservative in public as it scares me that some BLM/antifa/leftist person may decide to attack me. It’s an ugly world out there and it is hard to decide whether I can speak or state what I believe without fear. We used to have debates. Not anymore. Try to debate and you run the risk of being attacked. All of the outfits like the SPLC are on the prowl to destroy conservatives. Actually, they are out to destroy our great country.” —Arizona