The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Each week we receive hundreds of comments and correspondences — and we read every one of them. What follows are a few thought-provoking comments about specific articles. The views expressed herein don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “DeSantis: No Woke Racism in Florida Schools

“Three cheers, a hat tip, a bow, and much hand clapping for our great governor, Ron DeSantis. The Democrat Party and liberal left have been trying to incubate racial discord since the destructive riots of last summer. And their miserable and sad excuses are bounced onto our law enforcement agencies and the Republican Party. They should be ashamed of themselves.” —Florida

Re: “Senate Filibuster on the Dems’ Chopping Block

“Power is useless unless it is absolute power. This is what Lenin and Hitler advocated and what all the oligarchs of third-world nations demanded. Socialist Democrats are taking the same road to absolute power. After all, if you disarm citizens, mandate government regulatory controls, declare America a sanctuary nation, and keep disease rampant and citizens enslaved, you have another Cuba, North Korea, or Venezuela — and before you know it, total enslavement of freedoms our Constitution declared to be inalienable.” —Florida

Re: “Will Biden Hold the Line in U.S.-China Summit?

“The communist ideology is the one thing (and a very important thing it is!) that the ‘Democratic Party’ in the U.S. and the Chinese Communist Party have in common. Today’s Democrats have regarded the Russians as traitors to the cause ever since the Russians rejected communism in 1992. It’s no surprise that they feel free to diss Russia while they act essentially as communist Chinese agents within the United States government.” —Arizona

Re: “Dems Roll Out the Immigration Welcome Mat

“While we’re at it, why not vaccinate every would-be immigrant with every single vaccination that our own children had to endure? It would do several things. 1. Stop those who are afraid of needles from coming. 2. Make our own people safer if those immigrants are eventually allowed into the U.S. 3. If they get sent back, it would make them safer from illness in their own home countries. It’s cheaper than many other solutions and a gift to their home countries. 
Those immunizations would also cover COVID. I don’t want to return to fear of polio, pertussis, chicken pox, measles, or ANY of those type of diseases.” —Nevada

Re: “Memo to Trump: Call Joe Manchin

“Donald Trump should not ‘fly Joe Manchin down to Mar-a-Lago and have a discussion about launching a recall vote in West Virginia.’ What Trump should do is fly Joe Manchin down to Mar-a-Lago and convince him to switch to the Republican Party. Besides putting a stop to the leftist antics, the Republicans would gain control of the Senate committees.” —Indiana

Re: “Friday Short Cuts

“Note to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas: Parents who allow their children to walk across the border are not loving. Rather, they are guilty of child abuse. Remember when several years ago parents were arrested for allowing their children to walk to school alone and play in a park unattended?” —Minnesota

“Don Lemon says, ‘We know Jesus looked more like a Muslim…’ WRONG! Jesus’s lineage included NO Muslims. Muslim is not a race. Muslims are people who practice Islam, which did not exist until the 7th century AD. Historically, most common depictions of Jesus reflect Northern Mediterranean or Europeans. Artists’ renderings reflected their community and promoted worship of Jesus. God prohibited any record of Jesus’s appearance (beyond ‘fair’) to guard against the prejudice and racism that Lemon displays. Mr. Lemon: Seek Him. Wise men still do. And heed Proverbs 16:18.” —Missouri