The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Each week we receive hundreds of comments and correspondences — and we read every one of them. What follows are a few thought-provoking comments about specific articles. The views expressed herein don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “Democrats Ruin Cities — Ask St. Louis

“We already know that a Republican city administration can make a significant improvement. Compare New York City before, during, and after Rudy Giuliani’s tenure as mayor. Before he was elected, New York City had been run for quite a while by Democrats. It was widely regarded as a dangerous city to visit, and even worse for residents. Giuliani’s enforce-every-law policy, even the anti-graffiti ordinance, made a big difference; New York City became one of the safest large urban centers in the world. City finances and the local economy also benefited from his policies. Sadly, New York City reverted to woke-ism, and the results have been disastrous.” —Minnesota

Re: “United by Division?

“Just as I don’t want an affirmative action surgeon operating on me, I don’t want an affirmative action pilot flying the plane I’m on. Granted, with today’s technology, 99.99% of the time the pilots’ skills aren’t tested, but when a flock of birds get sucked into both engines, you want a Scully flying the plane. Years ago I was a Reactor Operator on our nuclear subs. We frequently ran drills to test our knowledge and skills to ensure we were ready. Given we never had a nuclear accident, we must be doing something right.” —Colorado

Re: “Chauvin Trial Not Going as MSM Says

“Police officers are first responders, not EMTs. I personally don’t see even a manslaughter case here, having been in law enforcement for over 40 years, and a criminal prosecutor some of that time. Chauvin was doing what most officers would have been doing: standing by, waiting for the ambulance. I’ve been there, done that. Unless it can be shown that Chauvin had more than the basic ‘First Responder First Aid,’ I don’t see manslaughter.” —California

Re: “In Brief: Why Not Fewer Voters?

“Perhaps we would be better served if party designations were left off the ballots. That would require voters to know more about the candidates. I’m not advocating getting rid of parties, just stop using the designations on the ballots. Might be interesting to see what the results would be.” —Washington