The Patriot Post® · Tuesday Executive News Summary

By Jordan Candler ·

Top of the Fold

  • One key Biden policy will reduce household income by $1,650 (FEE)

“The president wants to pay for his multi-trillion-dollar [American Jobs Act] in part by raising the corporate tax rate from 21 percent to 28 percent. A new study from the conservative-leaning Heritage Foundation finds that this tax increase on ‘Big Business’ would ultimately be borne in large part by workers. … One mistake many people often make is assuming that whoever is formally assigned a tax is also who ultimately bears the costs. But this isn’t necessarily the case, because people change their behavior as a result of tax increases — raising prices, decreasing investment, changing consumption habits, and so on.”

“The woke revolution in the classroom is about to go federal. … Biden’s Department of Education has just released the text of a proposed new rule establishing priorities for grants in American History and Civics Education programs. That rule gives priority to grant ‘projects that incorporate racially, ethnically, culturally, and linguistically diverse perspectives.’ The rule goes on to cite and praise the New York Times’ ‘landmark’ 1619 Project, as well as the work of Critical Race Theorist Kendi, as leading examples of the sort of ideas the Biden administration wants to spread.”

Government & Politics

  • Speaker Pelosi: Maxine Waters should not apologize for urging the mob to “get more confrontational” (National Review) | Derek Chauvin trial judge slams Waters’s inflammatory comments (Fox News) | Kevin McCarthy will introduce censure resolution (Examiner)

  • Newspeak: Biden bans use of the term “illegal alien” by immigration agencies (Examiner)

  • Senator Josh Hawley introduces bill to “bust up” Amazon and Google (Examiner)

  • We’re shocked — shocked! Once top Trump-bashers, TV news now loves Biden (NewsBusters)

Around the Nation

  • Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick died of natural causes, not injuries from riot (NY Post)

  • National Guard activated in DC and Chicago ahead of Derek Chauvin verdict (UPI)

  • Ron DeSantis signs Florida’s “anti-riot” bill into law (Fox News)

Other Notables

  • Planned Parenthood CEO says the organization is “done making excuses” for founder Margaret Sanger’s racist views (Disrn) | Planned Parenthood’s denunciation of its founder rings “hollow” to these black pro-life leaders (Daily Signal)

For the record: “CDC reports 117,626 black children aborted in 1 year, more than a third of total abortions in U.S.” —Disrn

Double Standards

  • Maxine “Get More Confrontational” Waters requested police protection for Minnesota trip (Examiner)

  • “The Squad” pushes to defund the police while spending thousands on private security (Daily Caller)

“Non Compos Mentis” Award

  • BLM protesters rally for “victim” (read: carjacker), leave after learning he was white (Fox News)

Closing Arguments

  • Policy: Biden’s Amtrak infrastructure scam (Mises Institute)

  • Policy: The case for black patriotism (City Journal)

  • Satire: Democrats propose taxing treasures laid up in Heaven (Babylon Bee)

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