The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments
Editor’s Note: Each week we receive hundreds of comments and correspondences — and we read every one of them. What follows are a few thought-provoking comments about specific articles. The views expressed herein don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.
Re: “The Big Tech Assault on The Patriot Post1”
“The quality, fidelity, and utility of other conservative opinion websites varies considerably. The Patriot Post is the single most concise, focused, and constitutionally faithful conservative opinion website available anywhere — bar none! The URL of most news and opinion websites ends with the dot-com (.com) designator for commercial enterprises. The content favors profit, popularity, and politically correct interests of constituents, not the U.S. Constitution. The URL of The Patriot Post ends in dot-us (.us). This designates the country of origin (United States). Instead of profit, popularity, or political correctness, the content of The Patriot Post website is loyal to the Constitution.” —Missouri
“Spent some time with my 34-year-old nephew, father of two, a couple of days ago. He said one thing: I am sick and tired of people of ideology thinking that they can tell me what to do, what to say, what to think, when to think, how to think and act, how to vote and eat, and that I am a very bad person for being a white, highly educated, and accomplished American male. What I am, he said, is a Franco-American citizen of the United States, a Patriot, and I believe in the country, its history and culture, the tenets of the Declaration of Independence, and the words of the Constitution. I moved into New Hampshire to escape the idiocy of Massachusetts. We are now planning to home school the children. And I am considering purchasing a firearm. Civil disobedience?” —Massachusetts
“It is sad to realize, were it not for some Republicans, who else could we depend on to fight our political battles? The spreading cancer of wokeness is destroying the strength and resolve of all parties, and their leaders are leaving us to contemplate losing our inheritance from the Founding Fathers.” —North Carolina
Re: “The Rank Politicization of Vaccination2”
“The problems go further than Democrats lying about the vaccines during Trump’s tenure. They continued their deceits by attempting to steal credit for the vaccines, ignoring complaints backed by scientific data that their pandemic measures were doing more harm than good, and suppressing information on other measures for reducing the risk of illness from COVID-19. Is it any wonder that many people don’t trust the Democrats in government when they now say the vaccines are good? Another problem is a real disinformation campaign against the vaccines. I suspect a Chinese psy-op is behind the various rumors. Instead of refuting these with data, Biden et al. have tried censoring. That’s also a bad move; we still don’t know what to believe.” —Minnesota
Re: “Simone Biles: Drawing the Battle Lines3”
“Thank you, Emmy, for standing up for Simone. I’m a 74-year-old man and I’m not an athlete, but I agree with you 100%. Simone is the GOAT. She proved it time after time. No one can take that away from her. She trained just as hard as she always has, but she is five years older now. There’s a point at which the body is not longer able to give us what we want. Mother Nature wins in the end. Simone had to accept her body can no longer give her the performances it once could. The pressures she felt to withdraw must have been staggering, but in her heart and mind she knew she must. We need to support her for what she has given America and remember, she is the GOAT!” —Washington
“Simone Biles removed herself from team membership to prevent adverse effects on her team. She also did it to avoid significantly increased risk of debilitating injury or death. I need not laud her decision as heroic, but I cannot condemn her as unpatriotic. Like most spectators, my experience fails providing me a comparable perspective. Consequently, I applaud her patriotic efforts and regret the unknown circumstances I trust she is unable to overcome. One thing I know: ‘Every job looks easy until you have to do it yourself.’ Professionals make it look easy. An old proverb attributed to North America’s indigenous population seems apropos: ‘Never judge another man until you walk a day in his moccasins’ … or try competitive gymnastics!” —Missouri
“The issue, as I see it, wasn’t with Simone’s decision. The issue is with the media calling her courageous for stepping back. I don’t have a problem with Simone’s decision — she needs to do what she feels is right for her and for Team USA. It may have been a difficult decision, and certainly understandable, but it wasn’t a courageous one.” —Vermont
Re: “Don’t Renew Teachers Union Contracts When They Expire4”
“The unions are just political arms of the Democrat/Socialist Party. Having once been a Democrat and an ardent union supporter, we learned the hard way just how bad it has all become. Finally decided we no longer believed the lies. Changing our views wasn’t easy, but when you just stop and really listen to what is being sold to you, a whole new understanding reveals itself. Teachers unions are the monster in the closet and the children suffer for it.” —Arizona
Re: “China Hacks, Russia Expands, Biden Dithers5”
“We keep hearing about the hostile hacking attacks performed on our most necessary installations, and absolute silence about whether our computer geniuses are even working on solutions. Is it really so impossible to create for each critical system an intercepting ‘watchdog’ computer capable of reading and identifying an incoming instruction that would be injurious? Is there no way to create a ‘kill’ order that can be sent back up the line? I think our infrastructure was safer when Charlie Lunchbucket turned the valves and threw the switches by hand.” —Missouri
Re: “Green America Feeds Red China6”
“The next generation will curse today’s green activists when they not only have to deal with almost daily brownouts and rolling blackouts but must find landfill space for thousands of worn-out, un-recyclable wind turbine blades, each of which occupies the volume of dozens of garbage trucks, and likewise dispose of deteriorated and obsolete solar panels as e-waste with little value other than the metal frame. It’s already proving to be a much bigger problem than spent nuclear fuel or coal ash.” —Minnesota
Re: “Our Empathetic Authoritarians7”
“As C.S. Lewis said, ‘Of all the tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive.’ For the ‘benevolent’ tyrant, the agenda of the moment must be served first and foremost, regardless of what the law says or what rights are violated in the process, intentional or not. Equality before the law becomes null and void in favor of arbitrary despotism, and non-compliance is equated to treason in the eyes of the state. As Ben Shapiro says, ‘Rules become kaleidoscopic, variable and fluid — and compulsion is generally necessary in order to effectuate such rules.’ Meaning that any dissent can be justifiably quelled by any means desired, often violently.” —Florida