The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Each week we receive hundreds of comments and correspondences — and we read every one of them. What follows are a few thought-provoking comments about specific articles. The views expressed herein don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “Americans Pay High Cost for Biden’s Border Crisis

“This article is well written and the facts are outstanding. This needs to be read by every American citizen. I am referring to the number of illegals that are flooding our country and my state. I am a resident of South Texas, and thankfully so far we have not encountered any illegals. We assume this is because we don’t live near a main highway or large city. But we do know that they have been in our little towns, as friends have seen them, and there is evidence of cars being stolen and abandoned after being trashed. We have never had to keep our doors locked, but we do now! My husband and I, both senior citizens, live by ourselves and I hope and pray we never have to face any of them and their destruction.” —Texas

Re: “Masked Motives: Teachers Union Wavers on Classroom Return

“The government has weaponized education. People need to demand that it be shut down and the citizens (who pay for it all) be allowed to reclaim our desires for our children’s education. Time to dump the decades-long declining system and start with the people calling the shots on curriculum and the education process. Start by having the money following the students. That’s school choice and a more fair system. But we must end the current system, not fall for the trap of rehabilitating it. We’ve been doing that since the 1970s and it has failed for a long time. Just ask any kid a few elementary questions about history or economics.” —Oregon

“The CDC told us that we did not have to wear masks if we got vaccinated. Now it’s telling us we have to wear masks even if we are vaccinated. That logically tells us that vaccinations are bogus and useless. No wonder people don’t want to get jabbed. I got vaxxed last February and it cost me time and money to drive to Houston. Now I’m told that it was a waste of time and money. Thanks for nothing, government.” —Texas

Re: “Masking Mandates: Are Face Coverings Effective?

“By definition, an N95 mask is supposed to filter out at least 95% of particles sized 0.1 micron (100 trillionths of a meter, 3.9 billionths of an inch) or larger. Filtering efficacy drops off exponentially as size decreases below this range. The rate of drop-off depends on humidity, the electrostatic charge of the mask material, surface tension of any adsorbed liquid, and similar properties of the particle, plus local air pressure differential and velocity. The size of a dry SRS-COV2 virus is about .08 microns. Ambient UV light may degrade virus particles. Given all of these variables, it should not surprise anyone that results are difficult to replicate. It gets harder to prove the efficacy of standard disposable or cloth masks.” —Minnesota

“The science was settled 100 years ago when they realized masks did nothing to stop the Spanish flu. If Democrats think that pushing mask mandates again will bolster their chances in the 2022 elections, they are in for a great shock. The more they push this false narrative, the more people wake up to their totalitarian, dictatorial goal of destroying the U. S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. In their zeal to dominate, the Democrats are showing they only care about their own power.” —Kentucky

Re: “USMC Lowers Standards for Race and Gender ‘Equity’

“My son just retired after 30 years as an active-duty Marine. He loved being in the Corp and part of the team. I was always proud of the fact that the Corp kept its high standards and did not bow to the PC police. Now I am glad he retired because I do not want him endangering his life now that the Corp has broken down and given in to the woke crowd.” —Kansas

“As a retired SgtMaj of the United States Marine Corps, it’s no surprise. I could see the change coming, the lowering of standards, ahead of my retirement, to please the politicians. Very sad because it will result in many lives lost in the future. God have mercy on this country and our Corps.”

Re: “Floyd’s Legacy: Burn, Loot, and Murder

“While only a minority of blacks are committing the offenses of this new crime wave, those not directly involved in this new crime wave must still accept their share of the blame. Urban blacks are also the demographic group most culpable for electing the Marxists who enact these policies. As H.L. Mencken said, ‘Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.' After so many decades of blacks being on the receiving end of the ills of Democrat policies, one has to wonder just how hard the lesson has to be before it will sink in.” —Georgia

Re: “California’s Coming Bacon Crisis

“I’m sorry for the people of California, but if an egg, pork, or veal producer in another state has to raise its prices to comply with California’s requirements, it should simply not send its products there. Granted, the producer may take a sales hit, but that hit will most likely be less than the cost of compliance. The rest of the country shouldn’t have to pay higher prices because of California.” —Massachusetts

Re: “Woke Coke Mum on China’s Genocide

“Not to excuse Coke’s blinders when it comes to the atrocities committed by the ChiComs against the Uyghurs, but they aren’t alone. The NBA, Nike, Disney, Apple, et al. continue to do business as usual with the ChiComs even with this genocide commonly known, and despite the fact that the ChiComs covered up the origins of a plague that has killed millions worldwide.” —New York

Re: “Pelosi the 'Devout Catholic’

“The Catholic Church says abortion is an intrinsic evil. ‘Pro-choice Catholics’ (an oxymoron) justify their views by saying, ‘I’m personally opposed to abortion, but who am I to impose my religious beliefs on others?’ The Catholic Church also says human trafficking is an intrinsic evil. Would Nancy Pelosi or Joe Biden ever say, ‘I’m personally opposed to slavery, but who am I to impose my religious beliefs on others?’” —Ohio

Re: “Pelosi’s Histrionic Insurrection Inquisition

“When conservatives exercise freedom of expression, it’s called violence. When leftists riot, it’s called freedom of expression.” —Oregon