The Patriot Post® · Tuesday Executive News Summary

By Jordan Candler ·

Top of the Fold

  • Mark Milley and Lloyd Austin, henchmen in the calamitous Afghanistan withdrawal, testify today before Congress (Fox News)

  • White House told General Milley to pursue Russia’s help in combatting terrorism in Afghanistan (Daily Wire)

  • Brave Marine officer who blasted leaders over Afghanistan withdrawal now in the brig (Task & Purpose)


  • Senate Republicans block bill to avert government shutdown and to extend debt limit (NBC News)

  • “Our approach had to change”: Nancy Pelosi now says infrastructure bill can’t wait for reconciliation bill (NBC News)

  • Jen Psaki and Democrat lawmakers echo Biden’s delirious claim that the $3.5 trillion reconciliation package will cost “zero dollars” (National Review) | By the way: The price tag is actually a huge underestimate (FEE)

Big Tech

  • “Big Tech has gotten out of hand”: Alabama governor blasts Facebook’s removal of her campaign page (Fox News)

  • John Stossel sues Facebook’s “fact-checkers” for defamation (PJ Media)


  • Biden administration to “take action to protect Dreamers” after court rules against DACA (PM)

  • What could possibly go wrong? Pentagon loosens access rules to secret programs, raising security leak fears (Washington Times)

  • DHS spent $330,000 on computer system that’s been broken since 2018 (Washington Times)


  • Biden accused of “moving goalposts” on percentage of Americans who need to get the jab (Fox News)

  • New York hospitals fire/suspend staff who refuse COVID vaccine (Reuters) | D'oh! New York governor declares “disaster emergency” amid staffing shortage crisis (Washington Post)

  • California police seize enough opioids to kill 50 million people (Daily Wire)


  • One reason for the supply chain wreck: A record number of cargo ships are stuck outside of California as ports can’t keep up (Jalopnik)

  • Ford jolts auto industry with $11 billion investment in electric vehicles (NBC News)

  • Energy crisis puts Europe’s climate plan to the test (Bloomberg)


  • Brilliant: New Jersey will pay the people who have been paid not to work to return to work (National Review)

  • Turning back time: Western Washington University creates segregated housing specifically for black students (Fox News)

  • RNC challenges Vermont legislation giving voting rights to non-citizens (Fox News)


  • Anti-Semitic attacks in 2020 outnumbered attacks against Muslims, Asians, and “transgender” people combined (Free Beacon)

  • R&B superstar R. Kelly finally convicted in sex trafficking trial (AP)

  • John Hinckley, who shot President Reagan, wins unconditional release (NPR)


  • Five Supreme Court cases to watch this term (Daily Signal)

  • China to clamp down on abortions for “non-medical purposes” (CNBC)

Closing Arguments

  • Policy: Science needs fixing, not just funding (National Review)

  • Policy: Higher education just isn’t built for men right now (Deseret News)

  • Humor: Wife claims $3.5 trillion spending spree at Target actually cost $0 (Babylon Bee)

For more of today’s editors’ choice headlines, visit Headline Report.

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