The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Each week we receive hundreds of comments and correspondences — and we read every one of them. What follows are a few thought-provoking comments about specific articles. The views expressed herein don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “Biden’s ‘Russian Oil’ Smokescreen

“Okay. I get it. There are rules and regulations in an ordered society. We have laws that are to benefit the well-being of the Republic. If certain groups can loot, pillage, and burn with immunity, why can’t our businesses that specialize in providing the fuels and lubricants needed by our own people step up and just produce? There are an insufficient number of refineries in the U.S. to meet demand. We need those who work to produce the energy. True, it is illegal to poach deer, but is it not a greater crime to starve a family? I’m not suggesting anarchy, but it’s past time ‘We the People’ remember who actually hold the keys to the kingdom.” —Tennessee

“Ukraine has identified oil reserves and petroleum sources that would make it the 14th-largest exporter in the world — if they were exploited. But Putin has sponsored insurgencies to make it difficult for Ukraine to entice any companies to attempt to explore their potential. If Ukraine successfully taps its domestic oil supplies, it will replace Russia as the supplier to Western Europe — and that terrifies Putin and the Russian oligarchs. Putin doesn’t even care if he can exploit Ukraine’s petroleum reserves — only that Ukraine can’t replace Russian oil and natural gas to Western Europe. Because without that, Russia would quickly devolve into a third-world economy.” —Texas

Re: “Tuesday Short Cuts

“If we are to carry out Representative Crenshaw’s advice to ‘achieve global energy dominance,’ Congress must overhaul our securities laws, especially for resource extraction companies. Canadian mining securities statutes are far more investor-friendly, which is why many U. S. mining companies incorporate in Canada instead of the United States. Likewise, we must either eliminate the income tax or make it more reasonable for U. S. resource companies with projects at home or abroad. China goes all over the world buying control of mineral- and fuel-bearing properties, and building infrastructure with ruinous loan terms. We must enable our investors to compete with fair bids instead of snagging every last bit of tax imaginable.” —Minnesota

Re: “Democrats Are ‘Green’ Energy Hypocrites

“Every single study by the central groups who manage the distribution of power in the United States have always come to the same conclusion about solar and wind: neither can replace the grid. Ever. The policies of the New Green Deal, among others, that the far-left ideologues want to enact in this country will only lead us into wrack and ruin. That is the simple answer of being led down the Road to Serfdom by these fools.” —Massachusetts

Re: “Thursday Short Cuts

“It’s just not accurate to say that Trump’s behavior somehow deterred the Russians.” —former National Security Advisor John Bolton

“Fact #1: Putin’s two invasions occurred when Biden was vice president or president. Fact #2: Putin did not invade when Trump was POTUS. OK, I get it: correlation is not causation. So we must concede Bolton’s point only because empirical evidence of causation is not apparent. But when we must decide without any verifiable causal link, we do not ignore, dismiss, or deny correlation. Finally, the Ukrainian corpses show Biden’s actions failed to deter, dissuade, discourage, deny, or dispose of Putin’s invasion.” —Missouri

Re: “Russia: A Pariah State and Rightly So

“Perhaps it is time to reorganize the United Nations and make support for freedom of the individual to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness a founding principle. Any country that does not support this premise is automatically disqualified from voting. That way these rogue states cannot ‘cancel’ out votes of discipline or other actions that support freedom for all persons around the world. They can bring their concerns to the UN, but not control through veto power of Russia or China.” —Colorado

Re: “No, Putin Is Not a Good Guy

“While Lindsey Graham’s suggestion may be just a little over the top, we should note that for the last hundred-some years, non-elite Russians have been pummeled, abused, conscripted, and mowed down by their own leaders, and just might be fed up with what Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev, and Putin forced them to endure. It may well be that the Russian peasantry have had enough of being ordered around, and might want to taste freedom for a change. Based on what we have seen of protests within Russia (and the punishments inflicted on those protesters), there are more Russians yearning for peace than for conquest. They may very well decide to disobey and unseat their current masters and try the opposite of what they have seen so far.” —Missouri

“Early in his career as Russia’s chief executive, Mr. Putin appeared to have some of the virtues of an effective leader. Touting his membership in the Russian Orthodox Church helped his image, at least in the West. His expressed desire to restore Russia to a position of greatness would have been laudable and successful had he done so by permitting the people freedom to ‘pursue happiness’ and enjoy the full rights Americans take for granted. Instead, he feared to let them express political dissent too openly, favored wealthy supporters over the average people, and meddled with and robbed Russia’s neighbors. Like Saul ben-Kish, Israel’s first king, be has become paranoid and proud. That will not end well for Mr. Putin.” —Minnesota

Re: “SOTU 2022: Fact-Checking Biden’s Big Obfuscations and Lies

“What does the Biden administration do now? It may have hundreds of thousands of white people coming from Eastern Europe to our borders asking for real asylum from Russian aggression. OMG! White people who might vote Republican after what Biden did to Ukraine. The newcomers may be coming from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Hungary, Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, etc. Or do they have to come across from Mexico?” —Nevada

“Excellent summary of key points. I would submit Biden’s call to advance LGBTQ+ rights and abortion rights are each a greater threat to our nation because these attack unequivocal truths. Abortion ‘rights’ prohibit responsibility to protect our most defenseless and helpless, and an abortion denies the victim his or her first birthday. The family is the core foundation of any society. The society that dishonors the family deserves the consequences of collapse. The culture that refuses to protect the unborn deserves the wrath of God.” —Missouri

Re: “Army Goes All in on Tranny Training

“Mr. Andrews’ commentary points out the undue influence of the LGBTQ+ community and the egregious error of our nation’s high-level military leadership in succumbing to absolute madness. Revered past military leaders would have readily recognized the accommodation of aberrant individuals into military units as counterproductive to mission force readiness and dismissed it as utter nonsense. Our nation desperately wants commonsense military leaders who recognize their primary mission and who have the courage to stand up to the questionable agenda of a deviant minority.” —Florida