The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Each week we receive hundreds of comments and correspondences — and we read every one of them. What follows are a few thought-provoking comments about specific articles. The views expressed herein don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “Can the Dems Avoid a Shellacking?

“As Reagan once said, you have a right to your opinion, but you don’t have a right to the facts. The facts are what they are: Inflation was roaring six months into Biden’s presidency, and the causes were 1) the ripple effect of Biden’s Day 1 hostility to oil and gas on pricing for all products, and 2) enormous COVID transfer payments to encourage people not to work … so they didn’t, and products and services weren’t provided. But those same people had a LOT of money to spend on the now-scarcer goods and services. Those are the facts; they’re easy to understand, if Republicans can get consistent on this message for the next eight months.” —California

“The curious thing about the Democrats over the last couple of years is that they are operating counterintuitively to how normal politicians operate. Normally in an election year, politicians center-up themselves in order to get themselves reelected. However, now they are doubling down en masse on failed policies that hurt their constituents, and it makes no sense. Is their agenda to crash and burn? Are they all being paid off? I know they can now keep their campaign contributions, but it’s crazy. Or do they know something we all don’t? Are they planning some COVID-like surprise to cancel the midterms? Is this why they appear so desperate to start WWIII?” —New Jersey

“Maybe this petroleum crisis is, ‘Mail-in Ballot Strategy 2022.’ What better excuse to have mass mail-in ballots for the midterms than excessive gas prices? If nothing else, it makes for a good opportunity for bad press if Joe can be solely blamed for gas prices just to promote mail-in ballot schemes again.” —Maine

Re: “Trump’s Proposal to Beat the Deep State

“OUTSTANDING! If implemented, it will ripple through all echelons to the receptionist who answers your phone calls and greets your entry upon your visit. 
Current practice insulates fed workers from failures to focus on meeting customer (taxpayer) needs and instead preserves the bureaucracy. The result is institutionalized partisan nepotism and cronyism, especially at the highest echelons.
 Policy must protect from arbitrary firing. Could cut both ways. An appeal process moderated by legislators could prevent overly capricious actions. Regardless, too many senior feds today are counting down the days to dream retirement or partisan players in drag.” —Missouri

“Here’s a simple way to shrink the federal civil service: The president orders EVERY executive department to cut its staff by 10% in his first year in office. Then, at the beginning of his second year, he issues the same order. Get the idea? By the fourth year, the frivolous spending is gone, and an unknown number of civil servants are laid off. Budget constraints would override civil service employee protection regulations.” —California

Re: “Make Daylight Great Again

“I would like to see GMT be made the standard. Before my retirement, I found time zones as well as states that observe DST vs. states that stay on standard time an annoyance. Daylight Saving Time is basically a typical government construct that has a title/name but does not do what it suggests. That is, it does not save anything and just creates confusion. Time zones are another government mess. Count me as GMT for everybody.” —Pennsylvania

“Most don’t know why we do it or where it came from. The answer was a surprise to me. It seems Ben Franklin started it back in his day. It was a good idea for its time. You see, Ben discovered by adjusting the time for the shortening days of winter that he could save on his candles. That started the whole mess and it probably made sense until we got to oil and electricity. So all the myths of working farmers and getting kids to school after the sun comes up are all just ideas that filled the gap left by the loss of our history.” —Oregon

Re: “Rising Leftist Opposition to the ‘Transgender’ Agenda

“Great article! One of our biggest attacks on free speech, Christian values, and moral ethics comes from this so-called rainbow coalition. This fringe group of posers is hellbent on shoving its agenda down everyone’s throats! Thank God for leaders willing to push back on this agenda from hell.” —Alabama

“If women or ‘trans’ women/men want to take their place alongside everyone else, they need to get the education they need, apply for jobs until they get one, put their nose to the grindstone like everyone else, and then shut up and do their jobs. There’s nothing special about it. Like most people, men and women, there will be very few celebrations or atta-boys for you. That’s just how it is. I know because I lived it for over 40 years.” —Florida

“The ‘rainbow’ has always and will always mean only one thing (Genesis 9:11-13): 'And I will establish my covenant with you, neither shall all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood; neither shall there any more be a flood to destroy the earth. And God said, This is the token of the covenant which I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations: I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth.‘” —Virginia

Re: “Wednesday Short Cuts

“Funny how we can all wave the Ukrainian flag in support, yet in many of our communities we can’t fly the American flag because it might hurt someone’s sensitivities. It’s time that everyone who votes Democrat stops for just one minute and asks themselves why. Not because of FDR or JFK. Not because of their stance on blacks’ civil rights, which they either voted against outright or stymied in some way. Not because they were the party of segregation in the South, the KKK, Jim Crow, etc. Not for the breakup of the black family. People need to ask why they vote the way they do. If they don’t, we will have a Joe Biden type until we get Xi types.” —Nevada