The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Each week we receive hundreds of comments and correspondences — and we read every one of them. What follows are a few thought-provoking comments about specific articles. The views expressed herein don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “Fauci Fears Accountability

“I have yet to understand why any lab is pursuing the development of infectious diseases. For what purpose, exactly? What is the justification? And why is the United States even funding such stuff? America got rid of its chemical warfare stores by destroying said stuff at Johnston Island. Biological warfare, the only reason to develop infectious diseases in a lab, should never be promoted or funded, and any stocks should be destroyed. What a horrible way to attack, indiscriminately, the civilian population. Dr. Fauci should be condemned for his part, no matter how small, in furthering gain-of-function development. Any and all funding should be halted immediately.” —Washington

Re: “This Just In: Hunter Biden’s Laptop ‘Authenticated’

“The fact that The New York Slimes is finally admitting this is a real story indicates either that it knows an indictment is coming and it has to do some CYA ahead of time, or the powers in DC have decided the Bidens are too much of a political liability and they have to justify removing Old Joe from the White House, or at least distance the Democrat Party from him.” —Alabama

Re: “NYT Reporter Comes Clean About J6

“This being said, how much more will Americans learn not only about January 6, which is more of a distraction than an insurrection, but also about the mainstream media’s disinformation campaigns regarding Hunter’s laptop and Russian collusion and their impact on the 2020 presidential election? The implications of Biden family corruption particularly in light of an emboldened Russia must also be considered. Continued investigating and reporting on the election of Joe Biden does not bode well for the future of the Democrat Party. Will the Times do better? Will the truth prevail?” —Florida

Re: “Gas Prices: Up Like a Rocket, Down Like a Feather

“There’s a consumer effect involved here also. When people see the price of oil go up, they fill their tanks as quickly as possible to beat the gasoline price rise. This removes the lower-priced fuel from the system, so retailers soon have to put up the higher prices for their new supply. On the flip side, when the price of oil comes down, people hold off buying gas as long as possible in hopes of getting lower prices, but retailers have to keep prices up enough to cover what they paid for the fuel still in their tanks, so the price drop is slowed. It’s a model of consumer response to inflation and deflation in an essential commodity.” —Minnesota

Re: “Why Big Business Went Woke

“Just for my own edification, I checked the number of black vs. white actors who were featured in television commercials during two 15-minute segments.  The number was 25 black actors and 48 white actors. This equates to 52% of black actors in television commercials in a country where blacks are, at most, 14% of the population. Although my analysis only covered a short period of time, I’m not seeing a discrimination problem as far as blacks are concerned. In fact, if anyone is being discriminated against, it’s the non-black population.” —California

Re: “In Brief: No to Trump in 2024?

“Very well said. Couldn’t agree more. Donald Trump was a disgrace just as Joe Biden is. And can’t we do better for prez than electing these old coots over and over? We need someone younger at the helm, someone of ethics, character, integrity, and sense. Neither of these men (and, come to mention it, any for the past few decades) have these attributes. We need to pray much and seek God’s intervention in government because we are in deep trouble, and it starts at the top.” —Oregon

“Would someone please give me some examples of the ‘insanity’ or ‘selfishness’ for which Donald Trump is accused? I understand that thin-skinned persons may be offended by those mean tweets, but how about something substantial for a change? 
I like Ron DeSantis a lot. As the vice president, he would gain more experience on the national and international stage. Then he’d have the next eight years to continue cementing the progress made in the last (and next) administration. You know, the one over which Donald Trump presided.” —Arizona

“Okay, Trump might not be the man you hope your daughter would date. And I did not vote for him in the primary election. But when the choice was Hillary or Trump in the general election, I would have voted for Mickey Mouse before Hillary. When Trump became POTUS, I was so surprised and pleased at how much he was able to accomplish despite all of the Democrats and half of the Republicans working against him. And I think if there had not been so much corruption in the 2020 election, Trump would have won. If Trump doesn’t run in 2024, then I hope Governor DeSantis does!” —Florida