The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Each week we receive hundreds of comments and correspondences — and we read every one of them. What follows are a few thought-provoking comments about specific articles. The views expressed herein don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “Will Zuckerbucks Help Rig Another Election?

“I recently took photos of six apartment buildings in an old mill city. They represent a total of about 500 units developed in repurposed buildings. I was struck by the number of parked vehicles. Does anyone work today? Speaking with a resident vacationing this week, he commented that all of one building’s tenants are Section 8 tenants. Which means rent is subsidized by the taxpayer. The fellow commented about the character of his neighbors. These folks have no stake in the game — none. They are not contributing to society. They are taking from productive and civil workers, which allows them to live without care. Voter drones — make sure those checks keep rolling in. All Democrats.” —Massachusetts

Re: “Biden’s Strategy to Strangle Liberty

“The next Republican-controlled Congress can help matters with several measures: 1. Rules prohibiting incomplete legislation. Definitions and scope of action under bills must be set by Congress, not bureaucrats. 2. A bill declaring that any citizen eligible to vote should have standing to sue for an injunction against violations of the Tenth Amendment. Whenever the federal government oversteps its constitutionally enumerated authority, every citizen’s right to a limited federal government is violated. 3. A maximum size limit on the Federal Register would be a useful backstop, as would an expanded requirement for congressional approval of regulations.” —Minnesota

Re: “Biden Targets Guns

“You see it all the time. Thugs and hoodlums, hard at work in their basements, 3D printer blazing, drilling out the bores of their favorite ‘ghost guns,’ cutting the rifling and assembling the tools of their trade. Baloney! Until Congress can find a way to legislate evil out of existence, no amount of new gun laws will stem the tide of violent offenders.” —Maryland

Re: “Parents, Wake Up!

“I taught school one year to make money to return to school in ‘67 and '68. I believe that’s the year discipline changed. I had an encounter with one student and took a stand. The administration stood behind me. It knew I would resign if it didn’t. Every teacher in the school thanked me for what I did. Truth is, students today are in control. Their parents are afraid of them, and parents are afraid of teachers who are afraid of administrators who are afraid of school boards who are afraid of kids.” —Minnesota

“I stopped teaching due to my unwillingness to use 'preferred pronouns upon request’ from any student who has fallen prey to the social contagion of transgenderism or who has been genuinely dysphoric from a very early age. Such sex dysphoria doesn’t just sprout up out of nowhere later in childhood, and I know that as a certified Health and PE teacher. Dysphoria often resolves over time with the proper interventions — reinforcing reality while working to discover the underlying reason(s) for the problem. In doing that, instead of providing the unscientific and politically based ‘affirmative care model,’ children often live quite happily as the biological boy or girl that they were born as.” —Maine

Re: “The CDC’s Teen Depression Epidemic

“The Left’s explanation of the mental health catastrophe that erupted over the past two years mirrors their stance on guns: It’s all COVID’s fault, just like murders are the guns’ fault. Like guns, COVID can’t fight back against the accusation. While COVID itself has killed a lot of people — and many, many others were/are very sick — the handling of it by elected and unelected liberal elites is what caused the mental health crisis.” —Illinois