The Patriot Post® · Dems Use Courts to Kill Election Integrity

By Thomas Gallatin ·

The Democrat Party has long used underhanded tactics in order to expand its political power. Democrats eschew a level playing field, where those presenting the best ideas and most persuasive arguments win. They shun this fair system because they recognize that many of their policy proposals fail to hold up against logically consistent observations or constitutional scrutiny. The modern Democrat Party has been almost completely taken over by the radical Left, which means Democrats know they can’t win a fair fight against Republicans.

On issue after issue, the Democrats find themselves on the opposite side of the majority of the American public. Yet rather than admitting this or changing anything, they defame and smear their political opponents, often disingenuously characterizing Republicans as “racists” or “bigots” or “sexists” or “extremists.”

One of the biggest examples of the Democrats playing this mendacious game has to do with election integrity laws. Several Republican-controlled states passed election integrity laws following the 2020 election, which was, to put it mildly, marked by weaknesses and opportunities for the vote to be compromised.

As we all recall, the Democrats took advantage of the COVID pandemic to implement sudden and drastic changes to states’ election laws, often without any input from state legislatures. All of this was done in an effort to get around the various checks designed to prevent or detect voter fraud. The most obvious example was the massive increase in mail-in balloting.

Republicans responded to this abuse by working, unlike the Democrats, through their state legislatures to pass new and updated election integrity laws that aimed to prevent such abuse in future elections. Rules like requiring voter ID, which the vast majority of Americans support, or limiting ballot harvesting and drop boxes, which are notorious for “irregularities.”

As noted above, Democrats didn’t argue the merits of the election integrity laws, but instead simply smeared them as “Jim Crow 2.0,” as Joe Biden infamously stated. Despite the entirely false characterization of these election laws, Democrats failed to stop them in the state legislatures. Their disingenuous and hyperbolic criticism also failed to change Americans’ minds. The vast majority of the public is simply not buying the Left’s hysterical claims.

But that hasn’t stopped the Democrats, who know that if they are unable to defeat election integrity measures, their chance of maintaining their current majority control of Congress is sorely diminished. So they’ve gone to the courts, and in Florida they recently scored a temporary (though likely not permanent) win. Resurrecting an old Civil Rights-era tool known as “preclearance,” Democrats got a judge to rule against Florida’s recently passed voting laws.

“Preclearance was … created under federal law requiring certain jurisdictions to get approval from either the Department of Justice or a federal court before they could pass a new election law,” explains Stewart Whitson. “It has largely been dormant since 2013 when the Supreme Court struck down the formula that was used to determine which states had to submit to this burdensome pre-approval process.”

Democrats hope to make use of this likely unconstitutional provision in an effort to reverse and derail the election protection provisions recently passed not only in Florida but also in Georgia and Texas. It seems unlikely that Democrats will find long-term success in the courts using this provision, but that doesn’t mean they won’t keep trying. They will cling to any procedural and process provision they can think of in an effort to preserve their tenuous hold on power.