The Patriot Post® · In Brief: Mother's Day or Birthing Person's Day?

By Political Editors ·

Mother’s Day was yesterday, but how much longer will it be an American tradition? Newt Gingrich ponders that question:

As we celebrate[d] Mother’s Day on Sunday, we should be aware that the holiday could someday come to an end.

At the current rate of woke efforts to dominate and redefine our world, you could imagine a day when President Joe Biden announces that “Birthing Person’s Day” will replace the obsolete, old-fashioned, and exclusive “Mother’s Day” holiday.

You may think I am exaggerating or overreacting to fringe leftwing nuttiness. However, sensitivity to the smallest possible minority — and deference toward the strangest behaviors — are key tenets of the growing secular theology of the woke Left.

They don’t call themselves “progressives” for nothing. They’re never done.

Here’s how the spread of leftwing radicalism works in practice: Ideas start out with a handful of weird extremists, and then they gradually become mainstreamed into the academic elite and the bureaucracies. They then become the norm in the news media, giant corporations, and in acceptable conversation. Finally, courts and government are used to impose strange ideas on the country.

Don’t be fooled, the replacement of “mother” with “birthing person” is already underway.

He points to various examples of this sort of thing already happening, such as Biden’s 2022 fiscal budget referring to “birthing people” and a “May 6, 2021, U.S. House hearing titled ‘Birthing While Black,’” during which several Democrats referred to “birthing people.”

This isn’t a fad. It’s a trend. In the left wing of the Democrat Party, “mother” is a disappearing term, and “birthing people” is its replacement.

He concludes:

Just as the Biden administration now displays the Gay Pride Flag and the Transgender Flag in front of federal buildings — on flagpoles originally installed for the American flag — you can see the pattern building for the elimination of common language.

Further, the Left’s drive to replace America with a radically different country is deeply serious and fanatic. It is a secular religious effort, rather than a traditional political effort.

And holidays like Mother’s Day are at risk if the Left continues to win elections.

Read the whole thing here.