As we celebrate Mother’s Day, we’re reminded that among the 10 Commandments there is but one that comes with a promise: “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the LORD your God is giving you” (Exodus 20:12).
Abigail Adams once wrote her son John Quincy, saying, “What is it that affectionate parents require of their Children; for all their care, anxiety, and toil on their accounts? Only that they would be wise and virtuous, Benevolent and kind.”
President Woodrow Wilson signed legislation in 1914 proclaiming Mother’s Day a national holiday, but we certainly don’t need a holiday to express our appreciation to moms everywhere. (See Motherhood: More Than a Full-Time Job, and The Culture vs. Motherhood.)
Leftists might be busy this week either demanding that women (if that’s even a definable word) have the right to abort their children or insisting that men can get pregnant, but we all know the real science of God’s design for motherhood.
May God bless each and every mother among our Patriot readers.