The Patriot Post® · Biden's State Department Is Now Inept AND Anti-White
Joe Biden’s State Department might be a disastrous disgrace, but at least it’s diverse.
Beyond that, we’re not sure what to make of the news that a self-described1 “black activist” named Desirée Cormier Smith has been appointed the State Department’s first-ever “Special Representative for Racial Equity and Justice.” In that role, according to the department’s press release2, she’ll “lead our efforts to protect and advance the human rights of people belonging to marginalized racial and ethnic communities and combat systemic racism, discrimination, and xenophobia around the world.”
That seems like a tall order, especially if systemic racism is as bad as Biden says it is. And while we have no idea whether Cormier Smith will succeed, it’s already clear that she can read from a teleprompter3 without wandering off script, unlike her boss.
Advancing equity and justice in our foreign policy is essential to national security and strengthening democracy. Today we welcome Desirée Cormier Smith as our new Special Representative for Racial Equity and Justice to lead the @StateDept4’s continued work.
— Secretary Antony Blinken (@SecBlinken) June 17, 20226
As to this brand-new, taxpayer-funded role, we wonder how the U.S. State Department has managed to carry out our nation’s foreign policy and diplomatic efforts for nearly two and a half centuries without a special representative for racial equity and justice.
Cormier Smith, though, is more than just a special representative. She’s a committed social justice warrior. In a recent op-ed1 in The Grio, she credited the George Floyd riots and the Black Lives Matter movement with having gone “beyond a call to action against the scourge of racial injustice on a global scale [to] put pressure on the United States to finally confront our legacy of systemic racism.” This, she said, was essential “if we wanted to be seen as a credible leader on human rights.”
Got that? Without having embraced the woefully corrupt7, money-grubbing, real-estate-gobbling Marxist grifters8 of Black Lives Matter, the U.S. couldn’t have been credible on matters of human rights.
What’s more, in an interview9 with the Black Diplomats podcast titled “Trump’s White Supremacist Foreign Policy,” Cormier Smith discussed10 her earlier work as a foreign service officer, including how her white colleagues displayed an “ownership” mentality when awarding visas to foreign applicants. White diplomats, Smith said, “were so protective of the United States, and they didn’t want anybody who could sully the image of the United States because it’s this perfect shining city on a hill.”
Whoa, there. As The Washington Free Beacon’s Chuck Ross writes: “Smith may have to temper her racially charged views in her new role. The State Department prohibits statements that show ‘hostility toward an individual because of his or her race.’ Department guidelines also prohibit discriminatory harassment in the form of ‘racial epithets, jokes, offensive or derogatory comments, or other verbal or physical conduct based on an individual’s race/color.’”
But lest you think Cormier Smith is a bit too full of herself to take on such a sensitive role, here’s how she compared herself and her fellow minority diplomats to her white foreign-service colleagues: “We also come with a certain humility that I would say that a lot of white foreign service officers lack. We approach it with so much more empathy.”
Got that? She’s more humble than whitey … if she does say so herself.