The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Each week we receive hundreds of comments and correspondences — and we read every one of them. What follows are a few thought-provoking comments about specific articles. The views expressed herein don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “Why Should We Care About Brittney Griner?

“It’s called ‘karma.’ She disrespected her own nation in front of the world and now expects taxpayers to feel sorry for her? Yeah, right. My employer sent me to 19 countries while I was working, and had I ever ‘in their face’ violated their laws, I would have gotten what I deserved. This gal went to a foreign nation expecting the same preferential treatment she’s received her whole short life in the U.S. and is surprised when she is treated like any other Russian. Well, Ms. Griner, you protested for equality, equal treatment, and equity — and you got it.” —California

Re: “Monday Short Cuts

“AOC’s demand that Congress ‘strip the Supreme Court of Jurisdiction over abortion’ shows she doesn’t understand the Court’s decision in Dobbs. The Court ruled that it had no jurisdiction over abortion, and that’s why it tossed out Roe v. Wade. She’s right that the decision threatens Obergefell — because that case was also decided by the Court usurping power it does not have. Therefore, a statute stripping the Court of jurisdiction is moot. However, another point needs to be made: Congress may not have jurisdiction in these matters, either. They are state issues. Congress can under the 14th Amendment require the states to give the unborn equal protection of life under the law. It cannot require states to deny that equal protection.” —Minnesota

Re: “Elisjsha Dicken: The Hero of Greenwood Park Mall

“Jesus talked about loving they neighbor as thyself. To answer the question, ‘Who is my neighbor?’ he told the parable of a Samaritan (a member of a group the Jews despised) who stopped on the road to help and care for a Jew who had been assaulted, beaten, and robbed. The parable goes to the point in question. It neither judges the attackers nor does it vindicate their attack. So does Justin Kollar believe Jesus condoned robbery and assault? No. The Samaritan became the hands and feet of God to be a savior to the beaten Jew because he disregarded norms and helped his neighbor.” —North Carolina

“Only fools, the naïve, the ruling elite, or criminals could want to infringe, severely constrain, or repeal the Second Amendment. Too many dream of a ‘gentle Jesus, meek and mild.’ But He called the most powerful leaders worse than snakes and corpses, single-handedly rioted the market profiting those leaders, and told of eternal damnation for all who do not know Him. He commanded enough physical respect that an entire unit of armed guards intending to arrest Him fell away. Death is a door to The Judge and eternal destiny.” —Missouri

Re: “Public Education’s Misplaced Priorities Pushing Parents Away

“Disband the education union. Let each state educate the children instead of big government. Make the schools ‘private’ for all. All children would get a better education, no matter race or parents’ income. Teachers could actually teach instead of being political. Involve as many parents, grandparents, and others to help out that are able. Large cities (San Francisco, New York, etc.) could be divided into smaller sections, but all would teach similar curriculum. Have children who show gifted abilities or special needs move to the appropriate classes. States could do that. Bring lawlessness under control. Feds would not like that. Inner cities could be educated. Leftists would scream.” —Arizona

Re: “In Brief: Resegregating American Education

“All this hate going on, and who is the culprit? The same party that brought you slavery, the Civil War, the KKK, and Jim Crow. Who does anyone think could come up with such an insidious idea as to segregate anyone anywhere in the U.S. now or at any time? Democrats! Almost every time racism raises its ugly head, you can be assured there are more communists pretending to be Democrats behind it. Government is turning a blind eye and helping. Stirring up racial tensions and allowing blatant lawlessness in the name of equity? Segregation is against the law, and the Democrats have stirred up racial tensions again based on half-truths and outright lies. This is what happens when we don’t teach children history.” —Oregon

Re: “California Gums Up the Trucker Supply Chain

“This is not too difficult to figure out. The trucker union schemers, aided by corrupt politicians, want to force every trucker to belong to a labor union — no more independent truckers. Big money to line the pockets of union bosses and maybe even a little kickback here and there to the ‘cooperative’ politicians.” —Pennsylvania

Re: “Our Military Recruiting Crisis: Dodging the Truth

“To the liberal effete (and self-proclaimed ‘elite’) class, fossil fuels, free-market capitalism, individual freedom, and the military are all nothing but expendable ‘eggs’ to be sacrificed in the pursuit of the utopian omelet. All is on the chopping block as long as they themselves can remain serenely undisturbed within their high-walled and heavily guarded (by guns) sanctuaries. Their motto: I regret that I only have one country to give in exchange for my life.” —Virginia

“The tendency is to lower standards when insufficient qualified troops are available. More than 50 years ago, when I served, we had some folks in training who had been given the choice of military service or incarceration — many chose military service. But know this: Those folks had to toe the line and prove themselves worthy, just like the rest of us. When troop levels are low, the natural tendency is to lower the standards. We may not tolerate that — the idiot politicians need to clean up their acts.” —Michigan

“I am a veteran (‘66-'68) and proud of it. What the military is doing now is so insane, I’ll bend over backwards to talk my grandchildren out of volunteering for military service. Woke before military readiness is as dumb as AOC.” —Florida