The Patriot Post® · Wednesday: Below the Fold

By Thomas Gallatin & Jordan Candler ·


  • Afghanistan one year later: “Not one senior Biden Administration official nor military officer has resigned or been fired as a result of the withdrawal. That is a disgrace to our country,” Army National Guard colonel and Representative Mike Waltz (R-FL) stated on Tuesday, the one-year anniversary of the day the last American troops left Afghanistan. Waltz added, “Because of their actions, or lack thereof, the fallout of this debacle has irreparably harmed both our national security and global image.” Now a year after Joe Biden’s disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal and surrender to the Taliban, the situation for Afghanis has gotten predictably bad under the rule of these jihadis. Women specifically have seen nearly all of the advances and freedoms they enjoyed for the last two decades of U.S. control effectively eliminated. Furthermore, Afghanistan has once again become a haven for al-Qaida and ISIS terrorists as they arm up with the billions of dollars of U.S. military equipment left behind. Then there were the American citizens and thousands of Afghan allies that Biden abandoned to the mercy of the Taliban. “A GOP majority must carry out public investigations in a manner that has broad jurisdictional oversight and subpoena power over the Department of State, Department of Defense, and Intelligence Community,” Waltz asserted. “We owe it to the thirteen Gold Star families … the veterans who served in Afghanistan, and to the thousands of allies we abandoned.”

  • On this date last year — Biden’s surrender and retreat from Afghanistan: We are reposting, in chronological order, analysis of events a year ago related to the most disgraceful military exfil in American history — Biden’s deadly surrender and retreat from Afghanistan. This day last year, Mark Alexander covered “Biden’s AFG Retreat Complete — The War Is NOT Over.” Biden may have declared an end of hostilities in Afghanistan, but he launched a new era of hostilities toward America.

  • AG Garland seeks to intimidate FBI whistleblowers: On Tuesday, Attorney General Merrick Garland issued a new policy to Justice Department personnel forbidding them from communicating with “Senators, Representatives, congressional committees, or congressional staff without advance coordination, consultation, and approval” by the Office of Legislative Affairs. Garland claimed his motive for issuing the new policy directives was to prevent the DOJ’s actions from having “the appearance of political influence.” While that does sound good on paper, the proof is in the pudding. The range of targets for the Garland-led DOJ too often smacks of blatant political bias, a fact borne out by a growing number of FBI whistleblowers making claims of political bias among leadership in the agency. Garland’s directive appears to be designed to tamp down on more potential whistleblowers contacting members of Congress, even as he seeks to claim otherwise. Garland has repeatedly demonstrated that honesty is not his forte.

  • Just 9% of law professors are conservative: A new study conducted by professors from Georgetown University and MIT that sought to investigate the views of law professors in schools across the nation found that just 9.1% of 667 professors who participated identified as conservative compared to 77.9% who identified as liberal. The findings appear to reinforce a 2017 study’s conclusion that only 15% of law professors were conservative. According to George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley, the primary reason the vast majority of law professors lean to the left has everything to do with universities in general going left. “For decades, faculties have gradually reduced the number of conservatives and libertarians through attrition and hiring practices,” Turley observed. “Once these faculties hit an ideological critical mass, faculties have served to replicate their ideological views.” And now these schools have become so biased that they have effectively become leftist echo chambers of “intolerance and recrimination” against any perspectives outside their own ideological views.


  • Mikhail Gorbachev, former Soviet leader who oversaw end of Cold War, dead at 91 (Fox News)

  • President Biden botches AR-15 facts while stumping against gun violence in Pennsylvania (Fox News) | Biden blasts “MAGA Republicans,” “sickening” attacks on FBI (AP)

  • Ukraine war is depleting U.S. ammunition stockpiles, sparking Pentagon concern (WSJ)

  • GOP senators demand Facebook hand over FBI communication on Hunter Biden (NY Post)

  • As COVID eviction moratoriums expire, four million renters expect to be kicked to the curb (RedState)

  • Republican Glenn Youngkin’s approval hits 55% in blue Virginia (National Review)

  • Beto O'Rourke postponed campaign events due to an infection and Reuters wants you to know it’s definitely NOT monkeypox (Not the Bee)

  • Lizzo uses MTV award speech to claim that she's oppressed (Daily Wire)

  • Penn medical school expands minority candidate program that does not require MCAT (College Fix)

  • Policy: Three lessons from Biden’s Afghanistan fiasco we need to learn right now (Dan Crenshaw)

  • Satire: After liking pro-Trump Facebook meme, grandma notices flower, plumbing, cable company vans parked across street (Babylon Bee)

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