The Patriot Post® · In Brief: Republicans Need an Agenda

By Political Editors ·

That red wave that’s supposed to be coming in November is far from guaranteed. Democrats have scored some victories in recent weeks, even if those victories are terrible policy that come at the expense of taxpayers. The Leftmedia will dutifully convince millions of Americans that Joe Biden and his Democrat pals are turning things around. Political analyst Kurt Schlichter says Republicans better come up with a reason for voters to choose them instead or voters … won’t.

Yes, Schlichter points to “The Afghanistan humiliation. Gas at $6 a gallon and the redefinition of a recession. Making the rest of us subsidize nitwits who dropped big bucks buying gender studies degrees at the University of College.” Yes, he says, “The Democrats suck. They super-suck. They suck suck suckitty suck.” But that’s not enough. “Hey GOP, what the hell are you guys going to do about it?”

Republicans, you can blow this Red Wave. But you shouldn’t. You should crush the Dems. You have historic tailwinds behind you. As we have noted, the enemy is a motley collection of pinko morons, freaks and perverts led by a corrupt, senile degenerate. Yet there is one fact, one paramount consideration that could lead to you fumbling this ballot box gimme.

You are Republican politicians, and you can screw up anything.

We need to know what you are going to do if you manage to take Congress in spite of yourselves. You’ll have a two-year window before either Trump or DeSantis comes along to defeat Kamala. Paint the picture, dudes. Tell us what you will do.

To be sure, Schlichter concedes, a Republican Congress with a Democrat president can do only so much. But what it can do is still critically important.

For compromise laws, no more compromising our rights. Gun control? What the hell were you people thinking? “We will work with Democrats to pass necessary laws, but we will never compromise conservative principles.”

Stopping idiotic laws is a great selling point. “We will not pass a single dime in tax increases or authorize the expansion of any bureaucratic agency.”

For appointments, draw the line. “No radicals will even get a hearing. And for the non-radicals, the formula is one of ours for one of yours. If Biden wants a judge he likes confirmed, he has to nominate another judge of our choosing and we will confirm them together.”

The power of the purse — this is important. We need to make some high-profile statements by refusing to spend money they want. How about this: “Our spending bill forbids the federal government from spending any money promoting woke nonsense, and likewise bans any spending on any school or college that allows woke nonsense. If Biden wants to shut down the government by vetoing our spending bill because he thinks CRT is more important than keeping it open, so be it.”

Oversight is important, but let’s not imagine all America will be transfixed hearing about Hunter doing meth in a Lithuanian brothel. We know these people are corrupt. Pick some key investigations, and then take the show on the road. Get the testimony outside of Washington DC. Why? Well, first the American people are the audience so the show ought to go to them. But even more important is to get bums like Fauci, Milley, Wray, and the rest under oath outside of Washington so they can be tried for perjury somewhere besides the Democrat-loving DC courts when the new GOP Department of Justice takes over in January 2025.

Schlichter concludes:

Now, that’s inspiring stuff for the base, much more inspiring than “Gee, look how much the Democrats suck!”

Though the Democrats do suck.

Read the whole thing here.