The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Re: “Stoking the Flames of Racism Day

Even the well-intending conservatives usually omit a couple of important facts about Columbus — facts that can be easily verified by reading his own writings: 1) Columbus wrote the pope about how to deal with the indigenous people. He was told that they were also children of God and deserved the same respect as his own people. Columbus complied, although those of his men who did not paid a deadly price. 2) The primary mission of Columbus was to spread the Christian (Catholic) faith, as commissioned by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain. The Catholic Church was the only Christian church until the time of Martin Luther. Finding gold and a new route to India, though significant, was secondary. —New Mexico

Land has been won or lost by different groups throughout human history. As someone with some Native American ancestry, let me remind folks that some Native Americans also fought over the best hunting lands and subjugated folks (slavery). The “noble savage” fairytale is no more real than the “noble conquistador” fairytale. Get a grip and try to learn some basic “context” mental discipline. —Michigan

Re: “The Hunter ‘Nothingburger’ — and What It Means

And yet, I remember Joe Biden made a statement sometime during his campaign that if anything happened to Hunter, he (Joe) would resign the presidency. Are we being bullied or what? —Washington

If Hunter does go to trial, and no matter the verdict, double jeopardy will be attached and it will become virtually impossible to indict him again. Joe is off scott-free no matter what happens. —Texas

Re: “Bobulinski, the Bidens, and the Corrupt FBI

I am so glad that someone with a platform for and a willingness to tell the truth will speak out and publish that truth. Before the 2020 election, I was cussed out daily for posting stories about Joe Biden and his wickedness, beginning with Neilia H. Biden’s traffic accident in 1972. I would post about his racism, with video clips and news clips, and would be called an SOB, a traitor, and worse. When I predicted the current situation, I was called a liar. Just after the election, my posts were derided as lies and smears, but as the predictions have proven true, the accusers will no longer even talk to me. Thanks again for your printing truth and not hate. —South Carolina

Re: “Supreme Court Legitimacy, Alito Style

I don’t understand Kagan. After her efforts to become a justice, she slams her department? Just surrender your post and be happy. Republicans will be happy NOT to replace her until after November. —Kentucky

Re: “Is Climate Important or Not?

Carbon dioxide does cause warming up to a point. However, the effect is logarithmic, not linear. Ice ages have occurred with CO2 levels 17 times higher. The truth is carbon dioxide is the foundation of life on earth. Take it away and the entire ecosystem collapses. The purpose of declaring CO2 a pollutant is wealth transfer via taxes and carbon credits. While politicians claim to be punishing Big Oil, they’re really sticking it to the consumer as costs are passed on. Through legislative handouts, politicians then give this money on to entities that will later reward them. In short, it’s a huge scam. —Washington

Re: “Kanye’s Latest Enlightening Interview

It was not that long ago when Kanye relished mocking Christ at every opportunity, even in one magazine wearing a crown of thorns and mocking “The Passion of Christ.” It is miraculous that he has been born again and is not shy about speaking out about his beliefs. Carry on, Ye; the world needs you now. —Pennsylvania

Re: “The Heroic Helle Brothers

This is an amazing record of valor and patriotism and should be required reading for all young Americans. Thank you for your example, Helle brothers, and for all who have and will serve our great country! —New York