The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Thank you for sending comments on our news, policy, and opinion — we review every one of them. Here are a few reader perspectives, which don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “Rebutting Comrade Bernie Sanders

Don’t let the “CEOs of major corporations now make nearly 400 times more than their average employees” lie go unchallenged. For decades, the AFL-CIO has compared the average worker pay to CEO pay in the Fortune 500. That’s like comparing the pay of baseball players (including in the minors) to the handful with the largest contracts. BLS data puts average CEO pay about 4-5 times what the average worker makes. And given the number of small businesses, the average pay in the Fortune 500 is undoubtedly higher than the average overall. —Pennsylvania

Re: “Suburban White Women to Dems: See Ya

Talk about out of touch! A woman named Asunción Cummings Hostin, who goes by the name “Sunny,” attacks a Republican for using her real “middle” name, as is shown on her birth certificate. Supposedly, the Republican, NOT Hostin, is trying to hide her real identity. Her two co-hosts on the show, Whoopi and Joy, say nothing. Then she accuses white suburban housewives of being like roaches because they are voting for their own values, not hers. Worst of all, there has been no real backlash from the viewers or the network or the parent company to correct her errant ways. She doesn’t have to like these new Republicans, but to call them roaches is so over the line. And the Democrats get all upset when the GOP says John Fetterman is just not capable. —Nevada

Re: “OK, GOP — Now What?

Good synopsis of what Republicans should and should not do when they win seats in the House and Senate. However, his conclusion fell a bit short. Rather than pass more legislation to balance the far-left agenda, start actually reducing the number of laws, rules, and regulations already in place. Only a lawyer can think that another law will solve any problems. Much better to demand adherence to the Constitution and severely limit the size, scope, and control of the federal government. The only way to restore order is to actually reduce government’s involvement in individual choices. That means that each citizen must take responsibility for his decisions. That is the foundation of our nation. —Colorado

Re: “The Same Old BIG Lie About Social Security

None of these programs are authorized by anything in the Constitution. All are so full of fraud, abuse, and waste that they can barely function. All are heading for insolvency. The federal government has “borrowed” every penny from Social Security to fund other unconstitutional vote-buying programs with nothing to show for it aside from too-long political careers. —Michigan

Re: “Biden’s Lump of Coal

Joe Manchin has shown his stupidity — or ignorance, if you want to be nice — on his comments on coal. He believed his party’s promise to him. He and Kyrsten Sinema got rolled. Why has no reporter asked them if they have turbines or solar panels to power their homes? —Minnesota

Re: “Why Is Netflix Paying the Obamas So Much?

When you take the foundation of the people’s thoughts (education) and feed them garbage, they will eventually forget how to discern the truth. This serves those who wish to overturn the freedoms we used to understand. Just because you see it on TV doesn’t make it true or useful. Obama’s inability to lead and serve cost thousands of Syrian lives, and he did so without apology. —Washington

Re: “God Save Standard Time

The old Indian proverb goes like this: Only the white man is dumb enough to think you can cut off the bottom of a blanket, sew it to the top, and have a longer blanket. But seriously, one of my family members lived in a town that experimented with year-round DST, and it wasn’t long before it went back to Standard Time. Either way, it’s going to be dark in the morning and evening during the winter, and no amount of clock fiddling can change that. —Texas

Why not return to a system in which noon is defined as the time when the sun is at its zenith? At least make it a defined point in a time zone, which in and of itself is a human construct. Changing the definition of daylight is the problem. —Washington