The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Thank you for sending comments on our news, policy, and opinion — we review every one of them. Here are a few reader perspectives, which don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “Opening the Border to Protect It?

The immigration “system” is not broken. It needs updating in some areas. The asylum program is used as a vehicle to admit the large masses we now see coming across our southern border. It needs to be structured to accommodate the severely oppressed, recognizing that we are unable to admit all who want entrance. This would probably have to be accompanied by strict sanctions on countries that violate human rights on a massive scale. Calling out a lying, semi-senile president when he makes outlandish statements on the subject is also a necessity. —Kentucky

I don’t normally comment on articles, but this one is so appropriate, as we live in South Texas and constantly feel the threat. We are about an hour and a half south of San Antonio in deep ranch country. We never had to lock our doors and secure our vehicles until Biden took office and the border became flooded with illegals. We have had high-speed chases down here, a mile from our house, with illegals trying to outrun the DPS and Border Patrol. This is so out of hand! They are mostly unvetted, unvaccinated (for everything), will be on welfare forever, and many are endangering our neighborhoods and our families. —Texas

Finally, someone actually says it: Joe Biden has committed an impeachable offense against his country and his people by allowing illegal aliens to pour across the border in violation of his oath of office. This action not only destroys the sovereignty of the United States but also its integrity on the world stage as a country where the rule of law is paramount. How can Biden and his minions sleep at night? Surely they have no conscience. —Massachusetts

Re: “Fat Is the New Black

I confess I’ve allowed myself to become quite overweight over many years. If I don’t like what I see in the mirror, the correct response is not to blame the mirror (or to ban it). Rather, the fixation of blame should be to simply point to the one staring back at me in the mirror. We are being indoctrinated by the growing field of Aberrational Sociology wherein the aberrant is declared normal and must be encouraged rather than compassionately addressed and corrected. My self-inflicted condition (no one ever held me down and shoveled forks-full of food into my mouth) will have to be self-corrected. I accept the challenge. —Virginia

A lot of the time we “fat-shame” cohorts because we love them and we want them to be around longer. Fat people get sick more often, meaning the rest of us have to pick up the slack. Finally and foremost, being fat is a personal choice, whereas one has no choice about their race or sex. —Florida

Re: “EPA Reinstates Dubious Waterway Regulation

No one but swirly-eyed anarchists object to all regulation, but there are so many laws now that it has been said we all, knowingly or unknowingly, break several every day. This is bad enough with an objective and impartial federal government, but the Democrats have shown a dangerous willingness to weaponize the Treasury and Justice Departments. There comes a point where the true objective of regulatory intrusion into our lives is not to regulate an activity but to add another hammer to the government’s toolbox that it can use to cudgel the administration’s enemies, even while ignoring similar behavior in those it favors. When double standards can lead to incarceration or ruin, a powerful government is no longer a tolerable evil. —Georgia

Re: “GOP Seeks to Rein in IRS

Here is a much more fair way to create income for the government while reducing the IRS budget: Pass the FAIR Tax. No more income taxes (personal or corporate) to audit. Just an inclusive sales tax on new goods and services. Remember, corporations don’t pay income taxes anyway. Those taxes are an “expense” that is added to the cost of goods or services, hurting the poorer folks the most. Added benefit: The economy explodes in a positive direction. —Florida

Re: “Fatherless Homes, America’s Plague

It’s also easy to control a population that’s so historically stupid and thin-skinned that even saying “The old days” makes them howl. This is especially true of women who’ve been brainwashed for decades that they don’t need a man and can do everything a man can do. They can’t recognize the living examples they see around them of fatherless children destined to become future statistics. Until one of their feminist puppet masters tells them fathers are important, they’ll go on their merry way ruining our kids and this country. —Pennsylvania

Re: “In Brief: Why Coke Went Woke

Racism is a money-making market that will not, cannot, be allowed to die its own natural death, which it was doing until it was made into a career path for lesser people, white and black. Currently, when I hear of someone being called racist, my instinct is to believe that person is a fine, upstanding person who has stood for something and is now under attack by entities with very dubious motives. —Florida